My 1st month journey in earning BCH

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Avatar for Chelle18
2 years ago

Sponsors of Chelle18

Its been a month since I've started here,writing and reading articles in Read.Cash and making some noises in Noise.Cash.

Hello everybody! How are you today?I hope you are doing great today .I've been reading some articles about their journey here,i was amazed an inspired by them .So i decided to write my 1st month journey here,okay!lets find out if my earnings was big as yours,charrr! Hihihi just kidding!.Lets find out how this platform helps me.

How did i found and

July18 2021

My husband's niece,visited us here with their baby,they went to a beach with her husband's workmates which is nearby here.So they decided to sleepover to my sister in laws house,her auntie.She introduce this platform to me ,i found it interesting .She tell me how this platform helps her especially in earning money.Since i don't have work coz i have two kids and i really want to earn money to be able to help my husband ,so i decided to try to joined here.She teaches me everything and helped me to create account.I need to find way to help my husband coz we have lot of expenses in our family ,our house needs to be repair .I'm thankful that i found ,coz in my mind i have now another way on how to earn money.

I sell preloved clothes from my sister in law. But I can only sell if she send us a balikbayan box from hongkong ,where she is working.But most of it was credit ,until now some of my costumers didn't pay the clothes they get

I really don't have an idea of what i am doing here hihihi.I wrote my first article intitled" About me".I am happy that someone was reading it and upvoted it ,thank you for advising me to write a 3 minute up reading article @Eunoia @ARTicLEE who first commented it and welcomed me.And super thank you inday @Zhyne06 for introducing me this platform ,thank you for all the help you gave me.(sorry for the mention ,I'm just happy that you welcomed me here).

At my first week wasn't easy ,coz i don't have any idea what to write ,i just keep on reading some articles and interacting with some authors.I felt sad every time i watched my earnings which is so little,i have a few subscribers and i dont already have a sponsors till now.I was happy like i want to jump and shout loud when i notify that the Randomrewarder upvoted my article entitled "Dreaming to be a successful one".

From then on ,i motivate to write more article ,even if it just a small amount ,but for me it is a big help for me ,and i was happy for that ,because i already saw the fruits of what im doing now .So far, I have now 16 subscribers in ,actually i didn't expect that ,i was praying that ,even i had 10 subscribers on my 1st month is big gift to me.I have 13 artcles written in my first month here .And now ,my article which I receive a big tip so far is entitled " Challenge for moms".

So far ,this is my article which has the biggest tip😊

I started posting and interacting people in took almost a week before I recieved the heart tips.I was happy when i recieved a notifications from bitcoin that i receive money ,yeheeyy my earnings was began.

You know what ,it wasn't easy for me to join here,first i don't have my own phone ,2nd we have a slow internet connection and 3rd I'm a busy woman ,a very hands on mom to my kids.But i put in my mind that ,"if you want it,you will find way to do it.

During my 3rd week here,i decided to temporarily stop and be back soon if i have my own phone .I asked my husband to used his phone ,he support me of what I'm doing and he let me used his phone ,and sometimes he left his phone to me when he's at work.I have my own phone but my son was the who use it for watching videos on youtube ,i didn't use it coz its always keep lagging.One day ,he asked me to buy something for our pig ,but i wasn't able to buy it and he got mad at me ,he said because of using phone i forgot what he told me and he said also ,he will not letting me to use his phone.I cried a lot at that night,coz me I'm so very sensitive person, when ever i heard something not good ,i used to cry easily ,maybe i should have to audition to become an actress hahaha!!charr lang. I asked my niece to help me to withdraw my little earnings in ,i earned 567pesos in that time .In the next day ,i was trying to log in my in my phone which my son using it ,and luckily i open my and continue making noises there ,but i was not able to open my account coz the phone keeps lagging.

Maybe my husband now felt guilt of what he said to me hihihi ,he's now letting me to use his phone.My first goal if i earn much here is ,im gonna buy my own phone soon.

So now that im back ,i am really happy for my first month here .In i have already 335 subscribers and 16 subscribers in

In i earned now 642.78pesos plus the amount i already withdraw which is 567pesos and a total of 1208.78pesos.What i did to 567pesos i already withdrawn? Well,i buy a 10kilos of rice that was good for our 10 days consume and i also buy our viand that day i buy also choco drinks for my kids ,see how it was a big help for us .

Soon ,lalaki din yan🙏

In read .cash i earned now 1007.70pesos in 1 month .It was not a big amount as others earnings ,but for me this is big enough.All in i earned 2216.48pesos in 1 month .

Closing thought

I am really happy that i found this platform ,i enjoy interacting with others at the same time i earn too.Every little amount i earn here was big enough for me .I hope and pray that someday ,or tomorrow my earnings will get bigger ,and ofcourse it will not happen if i did not do something.

Remember this"When things are not coming together the way you want them ,don't lose hope.TRUST THE PROCESS your time will come."

Thank you for spending your time to read my article ,thats how my first month journey here ,thank you for celebrating with me😊More BCH to come to us ..Thank you also for those who upvoted my other articles.Sending my warmth hugs and kisses to you guys😘

Have a good day everyone ,stay safe and God bless!

$ 3.73
$ 2.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @Zhyne06
$ 0.50 from @John28
+ 1
Sponsors of Chelle18
Avatar for Chelle18
2 years ago


Good to have you on this platform. It is a wonderful place to be. I registered about a year ago. But had to leave for some personal reasons. I wish you success here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago
$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeehheeyy!! Bongaaaa! Thank you tita sa pagpadayun. Happy kaayo ko para nimu. Ginagmay pa na karon pero puhon hinayhinay mag abam na na sya ug dako tita 🥰😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hala day oi ,thank sa $.50 ,maikod man sad ta ane oi 😅thank u day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat jud kaayu day ,samokan raba kayu ko nimo😂😅kani laging way alam hahah ,thank u banday💖🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yey! Little things can go a long way. It's good that you have not given up and continued writing. Your patience and determination surely paid off. So don't give up. Congrats and good luck!

Balikan ko to. Mukhang nag give up na si rewarder sa akin. Wala ako bala haha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you😊Salamat talaga kasi ikaw talaga unang nakakita sa akin ,kahit mga ewan yung sinusulat ko 😅thank u ,God bless u

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hehe walang anuman. Bawi na lang ako next time :D God bless din!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank u talaga

$ 0.00
2 years ago