Infatuation is the act of being completely carried away by an unrealistically strong attraction to someone or something.
Infatuation is the act of being completely carried away by an unrealistically strong attraction to someone or something. It’s the type of love that makes you do crazy things.
It’s the type of love that makes you feel like you can do anything, be anything and everything for this one person.
It’s the type of love that makes you not see a single flaw in their character, and you don’t want to see it because you don’t want to lose them.
It’s like a drug. The more of it you have, the more you want it. It’s a very powerful emotion, and when it hits you can’t help but smile uncontrollably.
Defining "in-fat-u-ation" as an obsession with someone or something. It’s a very strong feeling of affection, especially one that is short-lived.
"Infatuation (feeling)"
Infatuation is a psychological state that involves captivation, excitement and obsessive thoughts about an object of desire. Some psychologists call it a "parasitic" state in that it begins as a survival mechanism to ensure the propagation of the species and the continuation of the human race. Infatuation involves intense preoccupation by fantasy, idealization and emotion.
It’s used to bond with someone new to feel more excitement and sexual tension because oxytocin works in the body to reduce stress and it is a central nervous system stimulant.
Infatuation is the act of being completely carried away by an unreasoned passion or love. It is a strong but short-lived passion or attraction towards someone or something.
The word "infatuation" is generally used to refer to a person (or thing) who is the object of such an irrational passion or attraction, with it being felt that the object of their infatuation is unlikely to reciprocate.
Infatuation is the act of being enamored or captivated by a non-physical aspect of an individual. It is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion, and is not to be confused with strong liking or simple friendship, though it may lead to these.
I was once infatuated with a girl. The infatuation was mutual and we soon got into a relationship. To me, it was the kind of relationship you read about in movies, where the boy and girl are so deeply in love and enjoying each other’s company that they even forget to have sex.
To my friends and family, it was a relationship between two people who were too good for each other – she being gorgeous and me being average looking.
I still remember the first time she complimented me by saying ‘You have very nice teeth’. I had never received an authentic compliment like that before, so naturally I felt very flattered and over the moon about it.
Over time, my infatuation with her turned into something more obsessive. I began to resent the fact that we had started spending less time together, because she spent more time with her friends than with me.
Slowly and steadily my infatuation with this girl ebbed away and then finally dissipated. And, with the last remnants of euphoria gone, I realised how little I actually knew about her.
And that's when it started to bother me: something's off-kilter, something's wrong. The more I tried to pinpoint what was aggravating me the more I realized that there were so many things that she wouldn't tell me.
Thanks for reading 🙏❤️
Infatuation keeps us making intimate relationship with other people and bestowing our kindness to them.