Who has meant the most for you?

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1 year ago
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question by @Coolmidwestguy

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Many of you would be expecting the parental role to be the main topic for this article, well not to be excluded. They play a major role in my upbringing, not my welfare. I know how ill it is to talk about your parents after all the efforts in bringing you into this world but I am not shaming them ever. I would never want to do that even on platforms like this, moreover I am discreet and I have always been a reserved kind of person.

Just this morning while going through my Instagram feeds, I stumbled upon a blog that reported a case of a fourteen-year-old girl whose father had been molesting and maltreating her ever since she turned fourteen and her mother was aware but reluctantly wouldn't do anything. That beats me to a stupor! This went on till she was twenty-one and decided to run away. She dropped out of university because her father, who was paying her tuition fee, had been inviting her to a hotel for sexual fulfillment in exchange for her school needs. Read here to find out more here

The moral of this story is how she will grade her parents. I have this feeling she would be so traumatized by everything and even would be considering suicide at some point. To avoid digressing further, I have a few similarities on the side of the effects, not the tragic story.

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Well, I didn't allow the trauma of my event to hold me down. I have always had someone who stood by me all this while and every day of my life I thank the universe for using him to guide me properly to avoid making mistakes or hurting myself. Growing up wasn't so rosy for me but it is what made me who I am today, resilient, bold, and confident. 

In times when I would need love, care, and support he plays that role perfectly towards me, in a situation of sisterhood he played that role, in a situation of fatherhood he played that role and in some delicate situations that I seek advice from, he plays the mentor role too. He helped me grow and allowed me to follow my heart when I began my process of getting admission into the university.

His Image

What else can I ask for??

I pray every day and night for him to succeed in everything he does and always stand out amongst his equals, remembering how lost and distressing I was. All I had at that time was just hate and bitterness. I can say now that I am no longer the person you met the last seven years, I am a new breed with the passion to make the best of my life. I can say that I love my parents because, without their anguish from them, I wouldn't be who I am today.

Well, the person whom I am talking about is my uncle, my mom's immediate younger brother. He is an upcoming music artist who has been making waves in the music industry. His drive for music began after the death of his dad (my grandpa) according to stories I have heard, he took over this musical career from him and he pursues it to keep his father's legacy alive likewise his passion.

His Image

So far, he is the someone who has meant the most to me in my entire life, maybe let us see if my husband (not yet married) will beat him to that, hehe! 

Till next time guys, stay AWESOME!!

Special thanks to @Coolmidwestguy for reminding me of my experiences and how it impacted me today.

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1 year ago


Thank you for taking on this topic of mine. It great you have a great uncle to look up to :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity to honor someone who has meant so much to me 💝. I haven't been myself lately... down with malaria that's why I couldn't reply earlier. Regardless, I appreciate you🙏🏽 for gifting me this tip.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Sorry to hear I hope a speedy recovery for you. I hope you get back to yourself soon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you ☺️

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1 year ago