I'm new to this platform, attracted by the promise of no censorship. Despite following all relevant laws, I've been banned from various social media sites, including Gab, 4chan, and Telegram.

In my experience, free speech often means "free speech as long as we agree with you." I'm hopeful this place will be different, but we'll see. (I doubt it)

I am already familiar with BCH.

I generally don't get along with people—not specific groups, but people in general. I don't think this is a problem on my end, though I realize that might sound arrogant, (I don't really care if it does though)

My academic background is in formal sciences, with additional knowledge in natural sciences (as a hobby), I am interested in privacy protocols, especially those at the lower levels of the OSI model. In fact, I believe that very soon we're going to need these "super low in the OSI level" privacy protocols in order to surf the web.

I also have practical skills in areas like blacksmithing, welding, and engineering.

I'm open to discussing any topic, bear in mind however that I approach issues with logic and reason rather than morality or political correctness.

I'm based in the US and use SOCKS5 for browsing, as I don't trust VPNs. I hope the admins don't mistake my proxy use for a DDoS attack and ban my account.

People call me a "far rightist" however I don't consider myself right wing or left wing or anything that's based on identity-politics or in-group narcissism. And I do not participate in circle jerks of any kind.

Overall, I value things that have an actual physical substance instead of abstract ideologies or thoughts or sentiments. Which is why I am very pro 2nd.

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@Censored_Thoughts posted 2 months ago
