The galaxy's greatest criminal mastermind

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2 years ago

A dark corner of despair. Here I wait to meet inevitable death. It's funny when you're an officer of the space squad you'd think all that sum in those filthy cells deserved their treatment. When they said they were wrongly accused, I wouldn't believe them in a million years. Now, I guess I'm just not the officer I used to be. Does that make me a criminal?

It's almost star fall on the planet this desolate space station is orbiting. I'd say around twenty hundred hours, but I've been travelling and haven't seen the time in almost a week. Not like sunlight makes a difference in a cell lined with UV protection. One of the most beautiful sights in space is seeing the rise and fall of star. Here it's just all black. The inside, the outside, even the mattress. Any wandering space traveller could look in these windows, and they would swear all they see is an empty endless void.

I'm sitting on a wooden chair; not something you'd expect to find here. Its uncomfortable especially with the leg injury I've sustained from the failed getaway chase. At least it makes a change from lying on a mattress all day. The back pains these inmates must have from these lousy mattresses. I guess its just common courtesy of these types of places. I hear two hallow knocks on the door. Unintterupted by me, the door opens and in comes my old partner, Bert.

"How's the prison food in here, scout?"

"Like the slop admin feeds those poor hounds. Inedible basically."

"You know I need to get a confession out of you."

"Someone has to eventually. But you have to believe me, Bert. I didn't commit these murders."

Bert breathed a sigh that could be heard, across dead space. The kind of sigh that showed me he believed my comment, but there was nothing he could do about it. He was a puppet on police strings. An officer doing his job, except he's doing it wrong. To be honest, I'm surprised that admin made an ex-partner go through with this. I had to admire the logical input through, seeing as no one else can account solely for my actions as well as him. He's a good time keeper.

"Fifteen years, including space travel by sub-zero. Serial killings on nine different planets. So far thirty five victims, but counts are not conclusive. Have you anything to say?"

"Sub-zero travel isn't an easy way to travel"

"I'll go through the evidence then. The ninth victim, George Gilbert Jones; thirty five years of age."

A vision shot in my head of him, like that of a laser pistol. Blonde, married with two kids, and human as far as I knew. Typical office worker at a local technical support branch for satellite monitoring. Connections like him had a thing for monitoring some passing cruisers for us back in the day, and I so happen to still use them.

One day George said he saw some odd activities coming from a licenced squad shuttle. From our database it was not stolen and only occured late when squad shifts were at a minimum. At this point none of us could suspect that it was anything to do with this case of murders, but when we got to him on his home planet of Calphite, he was already dead. I remembered it most; I was the one that told his wife.

"Did you know the person in question before the investigation was carried out?"

"Yes, he regularly used to send suspicious information to us."

"Perfect way to get evidence removed by killing him."

"Anyone in the force could've got rid of him for that purpose."

"But you were in the force too at the time, weren't you?"

"Yes, but if you think about it.. "

"The twenty fourth victim Reece Fletcher."

Another unfortunate family person, though this was a land based Cephalopod on the planet Cyanaid. He worked at a secured federal gun stop, but was known to cut deals every once in a while to armies, higher ups, and when low on cash strangers. He'd know not to sell to criminals though if he could help it, but then he had a family to feed.

One morning Reece noted that a lot of his stuff had been moved around. He was sure it wasn't any of the cleaners or maintenance because they had reported similar incidences. Unfortunately, this was considered a minor issue to admin. Few days later, a robbery was committed, and after that someone shot him with the same gun that was stolen.

"You use a type VI Calibre auto pistol?". "Correct"

"And yet a similar model was taken from the gun store of given victim; a type III. The type that cannot be monitored by the squad due to its primitiveness."

"And you think that means it was me who committed these murders? It's not the first time theres been a robbery at his store. I bet even kids could get away with it from a Cephalopod like him."

"What about number thirty two?"

"What about Zack Finnegan?"

The fiery air between us suddenly blew and froze like winter cold. Yes, I admit I suspected was at foul play. Almost from the very start even my old ways of justice prevented me from seeing that any official of the law could commit to treason, but an officers boy? He was a regular space traveller, going to at least five planets in question. He'd been done before for arson, robbery, and even violence. It was almost a perfect fit. The only space block. Was that it was Berts son.

"Don't make this personal, scout."

"But it all fits,! He's a kid who's hung around with the wrong crowd, and now he's looking for the next level of thrill! If you sentence me to death, then he'll just commit even more murder, and soon what's to stop him finding another sensation to satisfy his gory needs? Even you must find it suspicious that he's been recorded he's been to most of the planets already!"

Bert sat there, stone cold like a gargoyle. I wondered what he'd do. I'd known many family guys in my time, but none as protective as Bert. He was the type of person who'd kill to protect his family; it was why he joined the squad. I expected him to release some sort of fit of rage, but he remained firm and quiet. He instead reached into his pocket. I was not sure what he was doing, but suddenly a wicked truth came into my mind. Was he the killer all along? He had been to the same planets, and being an officer accounted for most motives. Yet still it did not add up. What reason did ha have to kill me for?

His hand stopped at an object within his trousers. I fidgeted nervously, expecting to be shot, but feeling sure he would not pull out a gun. Suddenly, there was a clicking noise. From within Bert's pocket. It had to be one of those old fashioned tape recorders the squad had in storage. My panic subsided. The interview was over.

"You look like you've seen ghost, Scout."

"No, I just had a moment's panic that entered my's nothing."

"Must be the prison food."

Must be my perspective that changed me.

"I've got to ask one more time. Between you and me, did you kill any of them?"

"Honestly, I don't think I know anymore. I've been to the same planets as the killers. All nine. Maybe I have done something I'm not aware I have done. Maybe I did kill them all. I need help Bert. Tell them to get me out of here. We can solve this case together. Retrace our steps."

Bert smiled at me, and got up from his chair. He went to open the door and exit the room.

"It's late Scout. You get some rest."

"Sure. You've been looking tired of yourself."

"I've been up late."

"Well, fifteen years.... Must be something like ten years if you travel sub-zero."

"Twelve to be precise."

"Always a good time keeper."

"Some things never change. In essence, I've been to nine planets in twelve years, and it's starting to show. Goodnight Scout."

The door slams shut, and I breathe my last sigh. Always a good officer Bert. If ever there was a secret that you could tell you could always tell it to Bert. From outside, I hear another noise; a click. I realise what has just happened, and know there is no escape. He needed a confession. But he never said why.

Author's Note:

Thank You to all readers. Hope you liked my story

Godbless 😊

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2 years ago


ayyy wengyahhh ang galing naman ng pagkakagawa nito marengs. nalulunod ako sa english nyahahha pwede ka na gumawa ng book.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ayiee haha hindi pa ako magaling mare. Hirap na nga gumawa ng article busy :( thank you sa pag read.

$ 0.00
2 years ago