Saturday, May 2, 2020
I can't remember exactly when I started gambling. I suppose it was when I began playing the occasional home game back in college, though I probably didn't get really sucked in until after my first trip to Vegas during my senior year in college.
Ever since, I've spent countless hours playing poker, and blackjack, and watching random sporting events I had absolutely no interest save for the fact that my money was on the line.
I wouldn't say I have a problem. At least not anymore, but to this day I still get the itch here and there, an itch I just can't help but scratch. Only now I like to think I have a modicum of self-control, and I'm able to stop scratching before it ends up leaving another scar.
More recently, I just stick to playing poker on for my gambling fix. It's still gambling, but nowhere near the degeneracy of playing online blackjack or betting on some college football game that's not even on TV.
Yesterday night I went on tilt and drained my account after having built up a decent bankroll over the last week or so. Whenever I lose (even if most of it was just winnings), I end up taking a break to lick my wounds, which usually meant rededicating myself to focusing on my novel, but nowadays I find myself frequently writing here on instead, hoping to build a following.
I don't know about you, but I find it amusing that what I consider to be the two most promising BCH platforms just so happen to coincide with my two favorite pastimes of writing and gambling.
It's almost as if BCH was created just for me.
Some times I went to a casino to play a little in slot machines not for vice but only for amusement. I gold rule I follow only went to casino with a pre lose limit (the money in my pocket) no credit card. I works for me.