High Blood Pressure is not your friend

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1 year ago

I have done research on blood that I want to share with you.

Some people know that thick blood must be thinned. Slow blood flow leads to oxygen starvation of internal organs. And to the possible formation of blood clots.

So, what needs to be done so that the blood circulates freely. A few simple tips.

Prevention of blood clots

Drink more water! 90% of people drink very little water. We are talking about boiled natural water, and not about liquids. An adult should drink 2-2.5 liters of water daily. Even more in the heat. Teach your children to drink water. Natural water is the first and very powerful remedy against the formation of blood clots.

Products for blood thinning

  • olive and linseed oil;

  • Apple vinegar;

  • garlic and onions (regular consumption of garlic reduces the likelihood of blood clots by half!);

  • lemons;

  • sunflower seeds;

  • beet;

  • cocoa and chocolate (bitter);

  • fish and fish oil;

  • tomatoes, tomato juice;

  • oatmeal;

  • raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries;

  • ginger

Every day 2-3 products from this list should be in your diet.

Products that thicken the blood

  • meat broths;

  • sausages;

  • smoked meats;

  • jelly;

  • White bread;

  • cream;

  • Lentils;

  • rose hip;

  • chokeberry;

  • bananas and mangoes;

  • many herbs

Significantly increase blood viscosity

  • smoking;

  • alcohol;

  • a large amount of salt;

  • diuretic, hormonal and contraceptive drugs, as well as "Viagra"

Move more, walk, exercise, be FRESH! air

Thick blood means that its viscosity is increased. Viscosity is influenced by many factors. This is damage to blood vessels, impaired liver function, leading to deviations in the chemical composition and an increase in plasma viscosity, a change in the normal state of the cell membranes of erythrocytes and platelets, which leads to increased adhesion of these cells.

The ratio of cell mass and the liquid part of the blood may be disturbed. High blood viscosity increases the risk of thrombosis in the heart and blood vessels.

Blood thinning is promoted by diet and a special drinking regimen. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. The most useful are green tea or herbal teas (on the recommendation of the attending physician), natural vegetable and fruit juices, water. It is especially recommended to drink natural juice from red grapes. Due to the high content of bioflavonoids, it is considered a balm for the cardiovascular system.

Nutrition should be balanced in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements. In order to provide the body with material for the renewal and restoration of blood cell membranes and vascular walls, it is important to obtain complete proteins with a complete set of essential amino acids. Although meat is an important source of complete protein, it contains saturated fats, which should be limited so as not to interfere with the steady process of reducing blood viscosity. The main ohm of protein should be fish, especially sea, dairy products and eggs 2 times a week, chicken or turkey is included in the diet.

An additional ohm of omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids is flaxseed oil, which can be taken in 1 tbsp. spoon a day. Prostaglandins synthesized from these acids reduce cholesterol levels and thin the blood.

Another important source of fats is unrefined cold-pressed olive oil, which contains a large amount of biologically active substances. For blood thinning, products containing the amino acid taurine are recommended. Most of all, taurine is found in seafood and fish: squid, shellfish, shrimp, tuna, flounder. The required dose (at least 2 times a week) is 200 g of squid or raw flounder. During heat treatment, the amount of taurine in food is sharply reduced. Therefore, to obtain the required dose, doctors advise using drugs or high quality dietary supplements with taurine.

Regular use of seaweed activates a number of enzymes and improves the absorption of proteins, iron and phosphorus, reduces "bad" cholesterol and, as a result, has an anti atherosclerotic effect, lowers blood viscosity. It is better to use pharmacy seaweed, as it passes the necessary control. Dry cabbage can be ground in a coffee grinder and eaten instead of regular salt.

Nuts contain a lot of protein, minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium). Walnuts, almonds and cashews are high in the amino acid arginine, which is used to form nitric oxide in the body. It is he who reduces blood clotting. The recommended daily dose of nuts is 30 g.

For blood clotting disorders, foods high in natural vitamins and enzymes are useful. It is good to eat 1-2 tbsp daily. spoons of germinated wheat seeds, they contain vitamin E, which enhances the effect of anticoagulants. Sprouted seeds are dried, ground in a coffee grinder and added to salads or any dishes. Regular use of this valuable product is important. You can take drugs or dietary supplements with vitamin E.

Fresh onions and garlic help thin the blood. And they also reduce “bad” and increase “good” cholesterol in the blood, protect enzyme systems from damage by free radicals. Results can be expected if you persistently eat half a medium-sized onion or a clove of garlic daily. You can also take dietary supplements with garlic, in which it is devoid of a specific pungent odor and burning taste, but retains all the beneficial properties.

Tomatoes deserve the best attitude. They contain a substance that reduces blood clotting, "stickiness" of platelets and reduces the risk of thrombosis. The same substance is present in tomato juice and tomato sauce.

Improves the flowing properties of blood melon. Ginger has the same properties. It is added to ready meals. With increased blood viscosity and a high risk of thrombosis, bananas should be excluded from the diet.

It is not recommended to consume leafy vegetables, yogurt, alfalfa, soybean oil, fish oil capsules frequently and in large quantities. All of these foods are rich in natural vitamin K, which makes it difficult to control the dose of anticoagulants and other blood-thinning drugs. In high doses, vitamin K can increase blood clotting.

It is better to eat food fresh, steam or bake, boil or stew. Oil is recommended to be added already to the finished dish.

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Written by
1 year ago


This is indeed a very important information you just passed on. Great writing Thank you

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