Products not recommended for human consumption. part II

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2 years ago

May 06, 2022

In the following text I give continuity to the writing "Products not recommended for human consumption. Part I" This refers to products that I do not consider food because they are not nutritious for our organism and in the long term can trigger health problems. The information presented in this article is merely informative. Acquiring healthy habits is a free and personal decision. the purpose is to provide information that may be useful for you to have a healthy lifestyle, but it is your choice to take advantage of it or not.

Milk and cheese (Dairy products)

This is a controversial topic. There are fanatics for and against it. I agree with doctors, physiologists and nutritionists who consider milk an indispensable product for the normal development of mammals in the first stage of their lives. Milk contains a lot of calcium, essential for the formation of teeth and bones, lactose protein, vitamins, fats and lecithin. It is a complete food for the development of the body; but once the body, bones and teeth are developed, what will we do with the excess calcium if we continue ingesting the same amount of milk? We should not continue consuming it unless we have a decalcification problem, the body must get rid of substances that it does not need once its reserves are covered, and as the elimination capacity is limited and the consumption of the excessive substance, the body distributes the excess through the arteries, through the joints, part remains in the kidney, which later gives rise to arteriosclerosis, arthritis or kidney stones, respectively. 

Keep in mind that we are not children of cows, and if we were, then calves are weaned in due time and do not drink milk again. The consumption of milk in adulthood can cause serious health problems.

It is recommended to drink some sour milk from time to time, preferably after the main meal (breakfast). Sour milk is prepared by mixing one part unsweetened yogurt (plain yogurt) with two parts water. If you consume yogurt, you should not drink sour milk at the same meal. Yogurt should also not be drunk alone, but mixed with fruits such as bananas, mangoes, dried or dehydrated fruits and not every day.

We cannot be fanatics, so it is important to point out that sour milk serves to eliminate toxins, control cholesterol and increase digestive enzymes, among other favorable actions.

There are recipes in naturopathic medicine whose composition includes milk. That is fine, since one thing is medication (for a certain period of time) and another thing is regular consumption. I must also emphasize that milk acts as a palliative in some cases of intoxication and in others as an adjuvant or vehicle for other substances.

It is recommended to use fresh milk (freshly milked) to prepare yogurt, sour milk, use in medication or consume, if you do not get it, prefer powdered milk, as it is more free of foreign ingredients than pasteurized milk. A good substitute for regular milk is soybean milk, nutritious and healthy. Milk consumption should be moderate, remember that everything in excess is harmful to health.

canned and frozen products

Any food that has been cooked six (6) hours before consumption is more difficult to digest. Now think about the months or maybe years that the products you buy in a can have. Also think that most of them have chemical preservatives added to them and the container (can) can suffer deterioration or alterations that affect the product contained therein.

In short, the canned food that you put in your mouth will cause little or no nutrition to your body, perhaps depositing in your body toxins that you do not need and that are harmful to you. If for circumstances beyond your control you have to consume some canned food, try to keep the portion small.

The same can be said for frozen foods. Most do not contain additional chemicals, but due to the length of time they have been frozen, it is likely that they have very few nutrients left that can provide you with benefits.

When for some reason you can't eat at home, the best thing to do is to take your own food with you (of course it doesn't have to be the same as what you would usually prepare), something that is easy to carry and doesn't spoil. Example; whole wheat bread, soft corn tortillas, oatmeal cookies with a little honey. If it is not feasible, you can drink water and eat fruits, there is no danger of intoxication. Bananas, for example, are very nutritious and have a high caloric content that provides energy. Another option is guavas, apples and pears.

Soft drinks and carbonated beverages

I do not consider it necessary to warn, after all that has been said about sugar and chemical additives. The consumption of these beverages is an absurd attemp against healtth.

Soft drinks and carbonated beverages contain nothing more than water, white sugar, artificial coloring and chemical additives and in some cases active stimulants such as caffeine.

When you are thirsty drink WATER.  Not carbonated or mixed water. When your body rediscovers the pleasure of drinking pure water, it will thank you. Water has no substitute, drink it cool, not too cold, extremes of temperature, both hot and cold, are harmful.

Drink fruit juices, but without sugar, do not drink pasteurized juices because they contain chemical preservatives and sugar in significant quantities.


One of the most used stimulants is liquor; the alcohol it contains corrodes the liver and destroys the human body, not without first attacking the nervous system, annulling the will and clouding the mind. That is to say, before killing you, it turns you into a decadent person.

Although it is very delicious and hard to believe, coffee and tea are harmful (caffeine and theine respectively) because they produce "shocks" in the nervous system altering its functioning. They also cause disorders in the gonads, in some cases leading to sterility. Tea contains tannic acid that causes constipation and digestive disorders. Both tea and coffee should be replaced by aromatic herbal teas (lemon grass, mint, peppermint and chamomile are good alternatives) or by roasted and ground barley or wheat coffee.

Remember, an organism that is not intoxicated and properly nourished is immune to disease, since its defense mechanisms work perfectly. An individual with a healthy diet will only die by accident or old age.

Another very common stimulant is tobacco. Whoever is addicted and cannot stop smoking it is bent on destroying himself through this highly noxious poison. If it is very difficult to stop smoking tobacco, at least change your consumption habits, chew it if you want, but stop smoking it. By what right do you poison the air that we all breathe? By what right do you dare to pollute the air that your own children breathe in your house or car? That the air is already polluted enough? "That's right". But is the solution to pollute it more and more every day? "No." We need some sense, gentlemen!


I remind you that having good eating habits guarantees a healthy lifestyle. When we are healthy we have more energy and can better develop our daily activities and enjoy life to the fullest. Happiness is a choice, so choose to be happy.

I invite you to read the first part of this article in the following link:

Thanks for reading my content, see you next time!

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2 years ago


For real ? I take most of the food on that list wow I need to stop thanks for educating me

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hello. It is very common for these products to be part of the diet of most people. I am glad to know that the article was useful for you. If you change your wrong eating habits you will have better health and quality of life. I say this from experience, since I decided to improve my diet I am healthier.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh nice thanks I sure will

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sure you'll do. You will see good results

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2 years ago