Meat or legumes? You decide!

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1 year ago

Hello! Proper nutrition is necessary for good health and prolonging your years of life. My intention is to offer guidance for those people interested in preserving their health and having a natural way of life, within the limitations that today's civilization imposes on us.

I know that with the information provided in this and in the various articles published by me previously on this platform, many will enter into the dilemma of asking themselves: "So what do I eat? I am suggested not to eat meats, not to consume refined sugar, refined flour and its derivatives, refined and hydrogenated oils, margarines, canned products, those containing dyes or chemical additives: coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. But; is there anything left to eat or drink? 

Dear friend, the answer is "yes": there are many things to eat, such as legumes, fruits, vegetables, brown rice, cereals, olive oil, cane juice, pure honey, among many other healthy options.

I remind you that the content of this article is merely informative, based on my personal experience in acquiring the habit of healthy eating. If you are interested in improving your diet, I recommend that you see a specialist, who will indicate the appropriate diet, according to your particular needs.

Below I place "meats" versus "legumes" on a scale, through a general definition of each one of them and the behavior they have in the body when ingested. You, my friend reader, will draw your own conclusions about what you should and should not eat.


This item includes all types of meat from any animal, the most common being: beef, pork, any type of poultry and fish.

For health reasons they should not be included in the diet. Some will say that they are the sources of proteins, but I say that they are rather the sources of toxins. Why? Because a few hours after the death of the animal, the putrefaction process begins and the proteins of its meat are transformed into a highly toxic substance called "Tomaine" (toxic product resulting from the putrefaction of organic matter). Carnivorous animals kill their prey and eat the meat immediately before the putrefaction process begins. Now tell me how many people eat meat from freshly killed animals?  In most cases it does not happen. It takes days from the time the animal is slaughtered until the pieces of its carcass reach your table.

It is common to hear some people say "I don't eat meat, I make the soup and I only eat the broth and the vegetables. Dear friend, if you are one of those who think this way, I am sorry to disappoint you, the least of the evils would be for you to eat the meat and leave the broth, because when cooked, the meat releases a large part of the toxins (tomaine) it contains and they are concentrated in the broth.

The most common argument of the advocates of animal meat consumption is still the need for protein. But what about legumes? Soybeans contain more protein than any other food. Legumes are one of the best sources of iron and other minerals; they also contain riboflavin and thiamine (B-complex vitamins), and provide the necessary fiber to the body that allows the prompt elimination of digestive waste (feces).    

In short, we must change our diet to that of the rural inhabitants of some African and Asian countries, which essentially consists of ground corn, parboiled plantains, freshly harvested vegetables and potatoes, and large quantities of legumes.

I am convinced that with such simple advice as changing our diet and abandoning pernicious habits such as smoking, liquor, drugs and chemical substances, we would achieve a longer and more fruitful life.  


Legumes are a good food, and should preferably be consumed at the midday meal. To avoid the gases that they sometimes cause, especially beans. It is recommended to soak them and cover them with a wet cloth, leaving them until the next morning or until they are about to germinate, it is at this point when they can be cooked. They should be soaked for a period of 24 hours before cooking. This also applies to brown rice and other cereals.

As legumes are energetic foods, they contain carbohydrates and proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals.

- Soybeans provide more protein than meat.

- Peanuts are a source of vitamin B and calcium, in addition to their high protein content.

- Lentils provide iron, potassium and many other minerals.

-Peas are the most recommended for their high mineral content and their purifying properties. Among many other leguminous plants, these are the best known and most consumed. 

As you have seen, there are many benefits that legumes bring to our body. They are potentially nutritious foods. Unlike meat; legumes do not contain toxins harmful to health, so it is recommended to eat them with confidence and make it part of the daily diet. Together with vegetables and fruits, they provide a complete and balanced diet.

Finally, I would like to share with you two delicious recipes, one based on peas and the other based on soy. I hope you prepare them and enjoy them with your family.

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Pea’s soup


1 cup split peas

1 cup of assorted vegetables

5 cups of water

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 red bell pepper finely chopped

1 chili bell pepper chopped in small pieces

2 small spoonfuls of turmeric

1 teaspoon of cumin seeds


Boil the peas with the turmeric and a teaspoon of salt. Chop the vegetables and add them. Simmer for half (1/2) hour or until tender, stirring occasionally. In a skillet heat the olive oil and fry the cumin seeds. Add the bell pepper and chili, cook for a few minutes and then pour them into the pot where the peas are, stir, cover and let stand before serving. Enjoy!

Soybean meat


2 cups dehydrated soybeans or soybean meal

2 onions

4 sweet peppers

4 crushed garlic cloves

2 tablespoons chopped parsley, chopped

2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro

1 small spoonful of ground turmeric

1 teaspoon whole oregano

1 teaspoon whole cumin

1 bay leaf

Pepper and salt to taste


If using dehydrated soybeans, place in a bowl and pour over two (2) cups of boiling water; cover and set aside until the soybeans have doubled in size and absorbed the water. Place 1/2 cup of olive oil in a pot or skillet and sauté the onion, garlic and chili peppers and add the rest of the ingredients, except the pepper and salt. Add to soy the sautéed seasonings, sprinkle with salt and pepper and let simmer for a few minutes, stirring from time to time. Turn off the heat and keep the pot covered for ten (10) more minutes. Serve with rice or whole wheat pasta, in which case you can add a little tomato paste, if desired.

See you next time! Thanks for reading.

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