Recommended Things to Do Before Sleeping

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2 years ago

When we sleep, we must be in our best state of mind to rest. We have to clear our mind and relax our muscles in order to not wake up being restless in the morning. I myself have been trying to do things for me to get healthier and gain some weight.


Here, therefore, are some of the things to do, which are highly recommended, to have a good night sleep.

1. Have a break from screen time

We usually use our gadgets the whole day and in order to have a better sleep, we should practice putting our phones or devices down 30 minutes to one hour before sleeping. The blue light from our gadgets limits the production of melatonin, a substance that helps us sleep, in our body, which will make it harder for us to fall asleep.

2. Read a book


Reading a few pages before sleeping can help in relaxing our minds and reduce our stress. According to researches, it improves the quality of sleep because we all know, reading makes most people sleepy. It could also enhance our brainpower and it pushes us away from using our phones. There was a reason why children love to have bedtime stories and I think we should do that too even if we’re now grown-ups.

3. Take a warm bath.

It is evident that warm baths enhance the quality of sleep. After bath, our moods are elevated and it could also take away the stress and anxieties that we had for the day. It is important to take our time in quiet in order to feel the comfort of taking warm baths. It is also helpful in a way that it removes the irritations on our skin that could disrupt our sleep.

4. Listen to relaxing music

I often do this when I really want to fall asleep easily. I listen to the sound of nature on Youtube and it really helps because when I close my eyes, I imagine that I am in some place which is calming and serene. It is also beneficial in lowering down heart rate and breathing which can improve sleep efficiency.

5. Meditate


Meditation is important because this is a way of reconnecting to our inner selves and maintaining our inner peace. After doing this, we may feel lighter than before because we know there is quiet in our mind and body. I’ve been trying to put this in my habits because it is such a healthy way of detoxifying.

We don’t just need a long, sufficient sleep; we need and we deserve a healthy sleep that will make us motivated and on-going on the next day. These are just some of the ways that you may try if you also opt to have a more sufficient sleep. This kind of rest is where we can gain much strength and if we deprive ourselves of sleep, we could get serious illnesses.

Be healthy and take care always!

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Written by
2 years ago


I did meditation before. Its really helpful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These things are really needed before sleeping indeed, I always reading book before bedtime after shower for me to sleep well..

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2 years ago