My Ultimate Favorite Foods

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2 years ago

Before anything else, I would like to inform you that I do not intend to make you crave at this hour. If you like the foods that I will be showing, then it’s a sign that you must treat yourself because I’m sure that you deserve it!

Hi, there! I am here once again writing about something that I am passionate about which is FOODS! I may look thin sometimes but I like to eat, though I easily get full I don’t know why. I think one of my biggest dreams is to taste as many food as I can especially the specialties of other countries.

For this blog, I’m going to present my ultimate favorite foods!



I love carbonara so much. I like all types of pasta but this is just something so different. I love the creaminess, the mushrooms, the bacon, and of course the cheese! But, even if that is just from a simple canteen with incomplete ingredients, I would still eat it all as long as it’s a white spaghetti. I think I could eat carbonara for the rest of my life.

Cookies and Cream Ice cream


I don’t have a sweet tooth, I could hardly ever finish a box of chocolate but when it comes to cookies and cream ice cream, then we could talk about addiction. I like it especially when I put it in a bread. Maybe it’s because I really love milk. I also like other flavors of ice cream like cheese and avocado but not as much as I love cookies and cream.

Adobong Manok

This is my most favorite dish being cooked by my mother. I could really it this viand with tons of rice and I would never get tired of eating this. I am still not knowledgeable about cooking but soon, I will make sure to get my mom’s recipe of this.


I have only tasted the cheap type of ramen but I really like it. I hope I could try to eat more of its kind soon. The soup and the noodles matches perfectly well and it’s like a comfort food for me. I haven’t eaten ramen for a long time already but deep down in my heart, I am craving for this and I hope I could find real soon an affordable ramen place near my area.



Not many people pay attention to waffles but I really love waffles plus many whipped cream. I used to eat a lot of waffles in milk tea or coffee shops but now, I barely go out of our house. At this moment in time, I’m thinking of buying a waffle maker so that I could eat waffles every day as long as I have ingredients. I know it is weird but I would rather eat waffles than any kind of cake.

These are my top 5 ultimate favorite foods. I actually have a long list but maybe I’ll just make a second part next time. I also love sinigang and chicken wings, I feel guilty not being able to put it there.

Do you like these foods too? Comment down below your ultimate favorite foods so I could see if have something in common!

Thank you for reading!

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Written by
2 years ago


All mentioned foods are my all-time favorite too. Or it's just that I eat all sorts of foods hahaha that probably is 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, I am glad to know that ❤️

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2 years ago