You're Very Important Dear

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2 years ago

You're important no doubt about that, we mostly live our lives trying to make others see how important we are. How then do you feel when you're taken for less, or not seen among the crowd. Never stop feeling important, for a lot of people, today is a time to feel depressed, like valentine is a day of love, and lovers would be parading all around with the singles left to watch and think about their lives and how lonely they are, may likely stirr up a rush to get into a relationship as soon as possible, this shouldn't be so. There's nothing wrong with anyone, we should al know we are important and very valuable.

We are all important, yes we are, even when it doesn't yet appear so. Ever wondered why some people treat you so strangely, you would have expect a different and more natural feeling but anytime they see you, they act differently, you know they've definitely seen something in you that you don't. Most times we see ourselves the main actors in a movie, I guess everyone does, because we all can only feel ourselve, we can only motivate ourselves and dream for ourselves, therefore we sometimes feel life is all a story and we are the main actors, everyone and everything else is playing a supporting role to help the movie but we are the main people everyone should be looking out for, and with this we'd expect everyone to treat us with importance but they mostly don't, this upsetting sometimes.

Sometimes after we get upset we feel calm, because we know movie hasn't ended and it'll surely get to the point where we can teach them a lesson, as though we authored the script of life. Maybe it's a believe that whatsoever goes around, comes around. Maybe it's an assurance that we would surely be great tomorrow, Maybe it's a believe that karma would take its course, or yet we may just be day dreaming. Personally I feel it's good we think of ourselves such although its not entirely true, as it show as good boost of self esteem which would motivate us into going that extra miles just cause we believe we can.

However, this self believe sometimes gets into some peoples head, and they begin to misbehave, do we feel its okay to speak to anyone as we please, cause we are that so important and life can't be working against us. Indeed as this level of self confidence has it's good side it also undoubtedly has it's bad effects, like you now expect everyone to be nice to you and if they don't then they are bad people, and you feel okay not be nice to others, oh what does it matter, I am the one who's important, they would get over it. Such people has this needs to be reminded that they are also normal with nothing out of the ordinary so they should come off their high horses.

Maybe when they get to be put in their place then they would be calm and their pride would lessen so they can act and be better humans, you know the truth is life doesn't revolve around you and you alone, that is the truth, although we mostly feel the opposite. I too am quite guilty, especially in a competition with others I'll just expect things to work out to my favour, like it can only be me who the crown fits perfectly. Funny enough sometimes I've lost and felt like the competition is not over, maybe they'll call me back, oh can I lose, little me could ponder as though I was acting a movie for real, eventually I go home sad, feeling off. Well I learnt right now, you know life teaches.

That's right, we all would learn right, cause life teaches, as much as we want to feel like the only boy or girl in the world, life would continue to teach us on how there are billions of people existing and God cares for us all the same. So while you feel life is centered around you, you should also know I feel the same too, oh including that insane man across the street, your employee feels same way too, he could be feeling like he would get a bigger one than yours tomorrow, but what can you do it's how he feels, it doesn't make it true, how about you who feels their life would ruin if you sack them so you act so strict, its how we feel it doesn't make it true.

Nevertheless, I must commend the positive effect even as I have shun the negative, there are some good to feeling this way, however I hope we can balance it. Feeling like life is revolving around you, with God and his Angel's taking you alone as the main highlight of earth, can prove positive too to some extent. This can increase you confidence that you try out crazy things hoping with more certainty that it would work out. You could literally be in a competition with people and feel like it's you, it has got to be you, while others might be scared with cold feet, you're there feeling confident like they all mean nothing. You have to win, and most times such confidence birth forth victory for real.

Other times it doesn't, and that should make you realize that it isn't about who's important or not, its about earning the win for real. It's not the world always backing you up, or mother nature preferring your face to others, its mainly about how well you've earned your spot, you can choose to be lazy just strolling around and expecting to be treated with importance everywhere, surely you'll learn how no one truly cares and you just have to take care of yourself first and groom you into the you you want others to see, then they can see you for who you worked on yourself to be and treat you with such respect.

The celebrated celebrities are not celebrated cause mother nature loves them more, they all have something they do and do so well that the work celebrates, oh yes they worked hard. Hopefully we can strike a balance, seeing this feeling of self importance can be good as well as bad. For me I like to feel like things would work out perfectly for me especially in a competition, it raises my hope and it makes me not give up yet until the final whistle, however I know better than to think everyone else is secondary and treating them such, life has taught me that some people would be preferred to me as well as some i would be preferred to others, but it doesn't mean anyone is more useless, as God still loves us equally. It's still has to do with how well we have earned what we want to achieve.

So we all have to work it out to becoming what we hope for. You want to be treated like a king or queen, it is going to be by hardwork, and the hardwork starts now. It takes lot for others to see what we see in ourselves, however with hardwork and consistency we can enforce it into their sight.

Thanks for reading guys, I'll appreciate your likes, comment and subscriptions, you are all important to me. Happy Val. ❤

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2 years ago


Whatever happens is for our good. Yes, only through hardwork and positive thoughts our importance is recognized.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, let's shine our light, that way our importance are more appreciated and recognized.

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2 years ago