Words kill Or Create

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Speaking has always done more than mere communication of words, there are so many things embedded with a speech that can make those words travel far and deep into the hearts of the reciever. The tone of the voice tells so much, the manner at which the words are constructed tells so much also, the expression while speaking tells again, and the choice of words, so it's not just a regular harmless word as we presume, our tongues are more of a war tool, people, to families, to nations, to great companies and establishments fall constantly cause of the wrong utterances, indeed tame your tongue, be mindful of what comes out and how it comes out, especially to whom your words are going out to.

Words get to us, it'll take a lot of self control and confidence to shield yourself from hurtful words, like how sometimes we dress up for an occasion and though we've looked to the mirror yet we still don't have much confidence about our appearance, our mind keep playing us, what if the mirror lied, how do people really see. And should someone look at you with a not so pleasant kind of way, you become so uncomfortable, thinking you aren't well dressed, but when someone walks up to you and say you look beautiful, I love your dress, your confidence automatically doubles, and you become ready to storm the occasion.

Kids above all else should be a better beneficiary of your sweet words, don't forget to feed them these sweet words often, words like my dear you're special, you're incredibly gorgeous, words like you're the best thing that can happen to me, infact the world is lucky to have you, many think it doesn't really do much, well it does.

The real world is full of strive, people trying to suppress others, mates trying to bully others, colleagues trying to outshine their counterparts, and often the good ones are the victims of such scenario, but then we've got to stay good, yet we need our confidence, our self esteem to work effectively and efficiently, so we need to be constantly motivated, and via these sweet words, you keep motivating that person.

Well sweet words doesn't mean you've got to lie, when its noticeable that you're only lying to get them happy, your words begin to loose weight, we need a good level of trust if we know we want to keep them motivated over our sweet words. We need not to lie always, maybe sometimes when its needed and we would not be caught. Already there are few good things in everyone and this you could use and exaggerate upon to say to the person rather than lying. Pick the strong points and elaborate on them to give your desired motivation.

For instance, a friend at your office is having quite a challenge with the work load, he has not been able to successfully do as directed for some days now and this might be a threat to his employment, so you want to help boost is morale so he can get his act together. Saying he's very smart might be a lie, he too knows he's not that smart, but he's very organized, boom this you can use. If he is cute or smiles a lot is irrelevant to this issue, but his organization skill can be helpful.

Simply Just walk up to him and say, I know you'll get your act together, in fact I'm not bothered, I know you can do it, you've got one of the best organizing skill i've seen, you can plan very well and execute your plans without a loophole, when you calm down to plan on this I bet you'll find a way through. This way you haven't lied, you only exaggerated the truth and served the intended purpose.

Same way bad words hurt deeply as a knife, sweet words do the opposite, its gives a tingling sensation to the soul, its refreshing, say nice words to people, let them know they are loved, tell them how special they are, what do you have to loose, it's only words, however you never know who you might just be saving, you can't tell who's fed up with life and just need a reason to stay, depression is real, however kind words have helped few overcome. Know the benefits of saying sweet words and start applying it.

Here are my sweet words to you, you're the best gift of life, your creation was never a mistake as you indeed are a special one. Go out today spreading kind and re-energizing words to all you meet, words creates feelings, feelings creates aura, an atmosphere, let it be full of positivity, of happiness, you can do it. More love guys.

Thanks for reading guys. I love you all ❤.

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I also do believe in that , saying good things rather than hurtful words can make our world a better place to live in. A lighter environment. A little word of encouragement can do wonders and probably save the day of a certain person. A sincere kind words can bring back hope to a lifeless soul.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

You've said it all, you've said it so well... definitely grey, nice and sweet words are not just to make one smile, they send healing to the soul.

$ 0.00
1 year ago