What Makes You Happy?

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It's no jokes that some people aren't really happy. We can't continue to live through life without genuinely being happy, what makes you happy should be identified and done, well it should also be analyzed first so it doesn't appear to be something with potentials of causing harms., but what does give happiness without risks, some source of happiness are quite cunning, we all want to do It but doing it would raise lot of questions so a larger group of people would prefer to stay out of it, while a good number of people who doesn't care would carry on regardless.

Happiness is an essential part to our living and should not be taken for less, people need to be happy for more reasons than just smiling, being happy does so much to the body both internally and externally., it does so much to the mind also, and ofcourse the mind is where it all begins. So you wouldn't be wrong if you said happiness is as a fuel, since the mind is the powerhouse, like every generator, it'll need a good fuel to get it started. There is no better fuel than the mind and you'll be surprised how efficiently a happy mind would function.

Funny how happiness is now closely associated with Money, we don't get to be too happy without having enough money to buy the happiness, its almost as though its impossible to be happy without money. When you think of what would really make you happy right now I bet what most of us would think next is how do it get the money to get it done. It really doesn't just come out of the blue else it'll be the naturally calmness being mistaken for happiness. Something has got to trigger it in, you'll notice the unusual sensation, But does money have to be the ultimate entry trigger?

I would have said people wake up everyday for the pursuit of happiness, but then I would be somewhat incorrect, because some people are very aware that whatever they are going to do today isn't going to fetch them the happiness they want, they just want to survive at least. Some are even going to work not for themselves but for someone else or even to settle a debt, so such journey isn't a journey with happiness in view, rather I prefer we say people get up every morning for money sake. However Money isn't what we really need, people need to be happy, just in most cases money brings happiness in., but it's very possible to have the money but not happiness.

Have you been able to identify what would truly make you happy, if yes have to ever done it to see if it gave you the fulfillment you desired? Just as we know the human desire is never satisfied so I strongly believe there would be something sliding in as soon as that former desire is met. More reason why we can't go so crazy to the extent of doing something regrettable just because we want to be happy when we know it would never fully satisfy us. Imagine going over the walls for a particular need and just then you come to desire something else but the step taken already can't make it possible anymore., the desire would undoubtedly increase because its appearing impossible but also attached with anger this time, regretting the decision made previous.

Is there anything that would provide complete happiness then, or at least be a source of solace to say at least I have this so the burdens can be lighter? Well I can only think of a few, I guess properties like a house would do us a great deal especially in this times we are in. If we can secure ourselves a good house in which we own, even then other things are bothering us so bad, we can still be calm enough to treat a step at a time. Or what do you think? I wouldn't say a car can do as much as a house would do cause it can create more troubles in itself (cars). Cars depreciate with time but house appreciate so if someone is saving in properties for the raining days, a house would yield profit while a car maybe a loss.

Another great source of happiness is Family, yes family, the family could be so bonded in such a way that they are there for each other no matter the situation, this thoughts alone can help you become relaxed. And even position you to take up more risk, since there are family to fall back to. Money plays a role in family no doubt as it would make you feel safe to try out things because you know you can be rescued., but imagining the family isn't having money, then one might have to forgo family and find sources elsewhere, as the family can only advice and try finding possible solutions together. So build the family to have wealth abound it increases the chances of happiness.

Permit me to unveil the true source of happiness, which is being under the covering of he who has it all, that's our creator, God almighty. If you have been in his care you must have seen that he helps and I mean a lot. The issue is that it doesn't appear realistic to people but it's more real than our existence itself. Just being his child would bring in true happiness, yes with test but who doesn't get tested in life, life in itself was created to test us into learning what's right and wrong., but for total victory we must serve our God almighty. May God help us in our pursuit for happiness. Truthfully no one deserves to be unhappy, we deserve to spend our days being happy thereby becoming our full self since our mind is adequately fueled.

Thank you for reading. Keep Being Happy.

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At the moment , i would be truly happy if my bestfriend got a favorable result from her Bone marrow test today which will be released after two weeks.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I pray God help her, You both deserve to be happy and I'm positive God would answer your prayers 🙌 in Jesus Name Amen.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much for the prayers, need it bigtime!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're welcome, I'll like to get a feedback from you tho

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What makes me happy? The first thing that makes me happy that my families and love one are healthy and blissful my friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a good place to place our happiness... all else can leave but family stays. I lovey family too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend they are the one who always there for us anytime.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's right, so we gat to be there for them also.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend. We must always for them also. They are precious gem in our lives.

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1 year ago