Surely The Night Must End
Using a night as a reference point to dark times, same way we all experience a day and a night, we all experience good times and bad, they are all engulf in our live experiences. Its however paramount to know that no time last forever so it's best we are set for the next phase, if what we see now is day then its wise we prepare for night so it doesn't catch us unaware and whenever it comes we are good to go. In same vein if what we are experiencing now is night then its good to expect a day and prepare likewise for the breaking of the day. This switch in time was created for our sake, among the numerous reasons one to spot out is getting us to be prepared and to be hopeful.
There are numerous times when we need hope, there is a lot of events happening and it doesn't seem to end, how would we survive times like that if we don't see the possibilities of it ending, the fact that we know there is a better day ahead is enough to help us hang on, it's a motivation to not giving up, but the moment it seem like it's never ending and there are no possibilities it would soon end, then comes the though of just ending everything by ourselves, which lead to suicidal thoughts, so lost of hope is a deadly feeling, see why it's good to continually reassure people.
Even the sick people would get better response when they know they would get soon, no wonder doctors are very reassuring, they don't show how bad the sickness and conditions is to the patient, they understand the essence of hope, we all need hope, you do and so do I. The physiological effect of hope springs quicker recovery faster. Telling someone the need to hang on to tomorrow is a gesture they would always be grateful for, remember how the darkest times are just before dawn, this explains that when things are looking rather unbearable, maybe joy is just around the corner.
Its something the bible doesn't fail to explain, how hope for a man is enough to take him to the promise land, there is a promise to us all, there are coming days of abundance and surplus, such promise are made to us regardless of our status quo or educational background, God said it but then fast forward till today it doesn't so appear so, what then do we call it quit and say that promise isn't for us, no the bible mandate us to stay faithful and set our hope on nothing less other than Jesus. Hope cut across everything in life, medical, engineering, religion, at home, at work, every spheres of life., hope keeps us going till we get there.
Just as we say it cuts across everything in life and everyone, imagine in the workplace, as a newly employed staff working with so much enthusiasm, the reason most people aren't putting as much energy as the inputted at the start of the job isn't always because of over familiarity nor laziness, most times it's a complete lost of hope of the height you had envisioned from the onset. Coming in to see people who apparently are more efficient than you but not getting to that point you hope thereby causing a downturn of morale as you think what are possibility of me getting there then. No wonder incentives and upgrade are now readily implemented by firms.
Indeed the nights only last but a while soon comes the day and there's brightness once more, I've heard of people afraid of the night, they see images, they get scary visitations. No one to rescue, indeed it's a wrong time to be in trouble, even those trying to help still gets you scared, I guess the movies are to be held responsible for this generalized fear, however very possible such inspiration are birth off true experiences. Nevertheless I haven't seen people afraid of the day except it be a medical condition, however they won't hate the day, they long for it just know it isn't the right time to step in.
For what it's worth hang on to hope, for without hope there is little we can do. No matter what we face let's remember the earth has been exiting for billions of years, above 4.5 billion years old and this directly tells that people who has lived on earth are so much not possible to be counted, therefore among the uncountable numbers of lived humans are those who experienced worst than you're currently yet they survived, knowing that someone won already before shows you it's very possible you win also so do hang on, you can't give up yet. There's a lot to be done, a lot of people watching and waiting on us, we can't the afford to back out.
It's as simple as hang on guys, day break is just around the corner, you've come too far to go back now, remember we feel the most urge to retreat when we are close to our destination, then comes the true test of faith, some times our reasoning may be point us to the right direction, but hope will, knowing that this too shall pass and a better day comes ahead would keep us in track silently waiting and hopeful, as since hope in itself is a seed, it wouldn't be long until we see what we've been waiting for. Surely the night would end and day comes, and because we've learnt we would save and prepare better for the coming night. Keep the energy going.
Thank you for reading, really want to motivate us today, someone needs to know that giving up is never an option for anyone, therefore anyone considering giving up is so wrong. Keep pushing through, it'll all be over soon.