Steal My Thoughts

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Apart from time when I'm occupied there are time when I'm less busy and my head is still occupied, I'm fine with that anyways, but what I'm not cool with is this random thoughts affecting my mood. As soon as a task come forth to do, I do it in the right state of mind, but just one minute of idleness and some crazy thought comes around and now my mood has been influence either good or bad. Well I guess there are emanated from events we haven't dealt with, and its after effects lingers. Once this thoughts slides through and successfully steal our thoughts it becomes very hard to snap out of it.

One of the major events that can easily steal our thoughts are the actions or words of people who doesn't care about us, maybe they are only acting like they don't, but their actions appears as though they don't and this stings. Imagine getting insulted and the person is still not remorseful, like why would anyone disrespect me like that. We all want to be treated as kings and queens, it's more like a daydream for everyone even the men too that act so busy, we all love to be loved and respected, any act of otherwise would get us thinking and thinking deeper to know what just happened and we just want to urgently correct that act ASAP.

Can we correct it though? I guess the best and quickest response is to snap out of it, it happens and life goes on, don't treat it as such a big deal. Oh yes, snap out of it and find happiness else where. I have seen people get crushes that letter turns to obsession, and when their clear show of love is not being reciprocated, it gets them angry and annoyed, you can literally see that something has spoilt their mood, what then can you do. Not everyone has the ability to fight a strong emotion, no not everyone can say you know what, I'm done and really be done. It's as though life is being wicked, but not so, its only leaving us to learn vital lessons for ourselves. What do you do when that person you love don't love you back?

Get over it brother, get over it sister, you're stronger than that, if anything is more important, it is definitely you, you are the most important person to the world, then comes others, but this others are still arranged in queues. It's better this way, place them all in order of increasing relevance. Its not needed we hate on those who doesnt love us back, but we can't keep beating ourselves up, thinking what's wrong with us and why can't they have same emotions as you do for them. Come on get off it and focus more those who love you. Find joy then more joyful people would find you.

Another area where we find it hard to forget is when bad events occur, some occurrences would hurt so deep, we could stand for hours wishing and hoping things happened differently, but what can you do. Dwelling there is a stealer of joy, you don't want to ponder in the negative for long, so you don't start building up doubts in your subconsciousness. The mind is powerful and it bears fruits, the mind bears fruits that would be evident in our real life scenarios. So we must know what we plant in it, what we dwell more in, and so we dont get somewhat infested. Bad occurrences are lessons taught, as much as possible take the lessons and leave. Grieving is normal but not for long.

I completely understand how insane a bad occurrences can make one want to go. Feeling like what have you done wrong, why me, why now, as though there are people actively fighting to make you feel bad, but no that's not the case, life happens and what ever happens are hurdles, hurdles that's expected of us to win, challenges that mandates us to overcome. What is important is that we learn, once we've learnt, then it's time to move on, taking that which we have learnt and building a better tomorrow for ourselves. But dwelling there isn't a good idea, no not at all. Get up, its over, now what's next on the list for you. Focus on that.

Now this events as explained already should not be an object of concern. Of course we can't help but dwell on it. But as soon as possible, as soon as you've realized it, get up and move out of it. Now focus on what Is truly important, what is this that is worth focusing on. You know them already, you've seen them by their works, they want you to be happy and to that they try indeed to get you happy.

You know whenever we feeling sad or down as the humans we are, your mind doesn't realize how happy some others make you feel, you forget those many good and channel on the bad, and this creates more havoc. So focus on the good, best learn to caution those emotions. You can do more from an happy place, more than you can do more in a sad environment. What makes, you happy, who makes you happy. Spend more time and attention with them, let all haters move aside.

Don't be quick to forget some interesting things have happened to you. Events that got you dancing and happy for real, you feel like the world is working in your favor, and because you feel this way, you were not ashamed to try again, you were not afraid to keep shooting for greater heights. That's what a good environment does to you, it encourages the mind to be able to do more, go more further, and believe in your self. All from a good event that took place. If good has also happened, then why do you feel the bad is more important to focus on. Remember the mind is the true power house, so give lesser concentration to the bad occurrences, simply learn from it and focus on the good.

With these we can set the mind and act straight. And say I more focused on the positives, and gain more value for yourself. Self value, so when people push you away, you can laugh unconcerned cause you know there are others ready to embrace you and truly love you from within, no forcing, just a pure concern for you, cause you do matter truly. Don't let anyone talk you down, or make you feel less important, nothing else matter but you. Focus on yourself, and to that focus on the positives. If at all no one cares, just know God loves you and truly do care.

Than for reading. You guys are amazing, stay loved and keep spreading love.

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People are generally selfish by nature. Everyone thinks only of their own problems and very little of what affects others. The best thing to do is to do good to a person when he has done harm. We try to avoid contradictory discussions to avoid controversial discussions and it would be a good start to be calmer and at peace with ourselves. Understanding and kindness are words that make us PEOPLE!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Spoken well spok, humans are naturally selfish, putting ourselves first no caring how others are affected, hopefully we learn to do better for others, as the bible commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago