Guys!!! Know Your Worth

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I'm always having issues in differentiating pride from value, I guess there is a thin line and sometimes synonymous, however they really don't mean similar. Its essential for everyone to know their worth and stand their ground, cause out there is filled with people who are looking to milk the life out of you for a penny or below your due pay. Many crafted and hardworking individuals are frustrated presently because people don't value them as much as the effort they put into it. Like I love to say "it all begins with us, other people won't necessarily see what we see until we prove ourselves, so let's stand our ground and prove that we deserve more, we don't come easy.

So many people have been too forward, without getting the necessary skills or having the needed attributes, they had believed in themselves that they were worth more, but when the test came, they discovered that they were not yet there, worst still they lost everything. So we do need to be cautious about it, more reason why we need to know, know your worth is what I said, so know your worth. And be very sure about it, this helps our confidence level.

One benefits to knowing our worths is that it brings to us our due respect and rewards. Sometimes we see this happens especially in a work space, a situation where the boss knows little compared to those really doing the job, yet that key worker gets paid peanut, he could bear for a long time because he is in dire need of it, but as soon as it gets comfortable at least, it starts to demand for more, and luckily should get more, or move on to other better offers available to him. We know our worth for happiness sake, often we go through a lot trying to acquire the skill set we posses currently, we would be happy if only we earn the due compensation or more.

A graduate must have spent time reading and attending course lectures, sat for exams and proved his or herself worthy of the degree, more reason why you don't see them settling for less unless for dire situations. The economy and businesses too should not offer them less, as a way to encourage other younger ones to take time in grooming and equipping their self through schools or any learning institution. When someone stands their ground about their worth on any particular setting, before you criticize, take out time to evaluate if the supposed person is truly worth it. Its actually wrong to be given below your worth, when we should be enjoying more.

Often likened to pride I presume, often cause of the manner at which we demand our due compensations. Its good we also note that since we are speaking to humans and supposed head, cause a junior wouldn't be in a position to increase your pay, so if we are speaking to our superiors we must put their emotions in check to, speak your mind without getting them furious or angry, what we want is a revaluation of pay or due benefits, a tended up chaotic result is highly unwanted. Let the tone of voice be in check, all protocols duly observed, all this doesn't stop the actions we would take should they refuse.

Also in the other areas where our worth should be known, like in the area of relationships, no one deserves to be treated less in a relationship, to this I say, know your worth. Yea yea we all say "I am very lucky to have you" or "I don't deserve you, you're too good or lovely ", we all say that in order to make our spouse feel good and happy. He or She wouldn't go doing bad stuffs and returning back to say, you know you don't deserve me, so what ever I do you've got to be happy with it, you would not agree to that. So in relationships we must know what and what not to accept, you know when best to walk away.

Many ladies has been mercilessly beaten up and cajoled to stay with that same boxer of a husband, don't get angry yet, cause likewise some men has faced hell from the nagging unsupportive partner and still being cajoled to stick to her, they say there are no good men outside, so you should manage that which God has placed in your hands. Come on, there are a million and one good and responsible people out there, we can't afford to live an unhappy life, no not in this earth. Enough worries exist already, let's not allow more worries over situations we can easily change via our concious decisions.

In all let's know our worth, and just incase we realize we aren't yet worth what we aspire for, we shouldn't feel down because we can still work towards it. We can still grow into it, or simply work to increase our self values. We all want better for ourselves and it's a good thing to demand for better. Let's not stop and get weary in the current position not suitable to our taste, keep working, keep learning, when the time is right, we would get our due reward or demand for it.

Thank You for Reading. Know you worth guys, you deserve it.

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Yes my friend true. We must know our worth. It's the thing that we lift up ourselves. It's a strength we had, the power.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes Ramona the beauty Queen, indeed it's a strength and it shouldn't be taken for less, let's stand our ground and prove our worth.

$ 0.00
1 year ago