Focus More On My Strength Than My Weakness

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1 year ago
Topics: Strength, Focus, Weakness, Time, Energy, ...

A great man is not someone without weakness, everyone has a weakness, it all depends on what you are recognized for, your strength or your weakness? Beyonce can be very bad at volleyball or even playing the piano but then her vocals are good, would it be wise for her to spend more time in learning to play the volleyball or devote more time to the piano so she can close out her weakness, it really isn't so necessary to focus on what we are not rather than trying to build what we can be. Our strengths are our potentials, seeing we give in more time to it, it stands us a higher chance of becoming amazing.

Time is and always would be a defining factor to wealth, knowing to maximize time and energy is a key factor to greatness. When this time and energy is not channeled into the right course then overtime we may not receive as much as we should if we channeled such energy into the right course. So time and energy are so important, that we ought to do it in the right way and step, we ought to channel it into our strengths more than we channel it in building our weaknesses, our weaknesses often take more from us than our strength would take to profit us more.

What can you do? What can you not do? What where does your passion lies? Is it on what you can not do or what you can do? Its easier to decide when ones passions are resting on what we can do, it is what we mostly experience though, most people have passion for what they can do more than what they can not do and the factors affecting this are applauds from people and also sense of accomplishment. The high praises of People to us are like fuel, we would want to do it more often so as to get that feeling.

Most craftsmen would have stopped their handiwork long ago should no one be appreciating their efforts, it isn't always about the money sometimes, yes the bills to pay and the need to sustain oneself can be a propelling force to selecting where we can channel our energy, however some times without a sense of this is where I should be we may keep looking for what is worthy of our time., and getting applaud and praises from people to a great extent concur to let us know that we are were we ought to be even if it may be false on the long run.

We would be known for one thing, maybe few things, but something would be more known to people, so we've got to be intentional about what we are going to be projecting out to the public, they are not always with us and so they can't know a 100% of everything about us, expect we show them or probably they get a leakage to our personal lives. However groom the strength to become a worthy contender in the war of life. Our weaknesses should not be left unattended to also, so they don't drag us down so deep.

Look through the history of outstanding people, men of greatness, you'll realize a pattern of weakness, it could be drugs, women, alcohol, lust, or any disorder and they may not be finding solution to this weakness, yet they become popular and highly respected in the society. Their weakness doesn't stop the wealth, the fame, nor the greatness generally, because their strength have been built up so well, he has grow in capacity to a good level that the world has no choice but to applaud, should he have divide his time and energy into both weakness and strength, then maybe he won't be able achieve such feet so fast.

Our weakness can drag us down no doubt so it good we find a way to correct them, however if growth and mastery is what we aim then more of this time and energy should be spent on what we want to do for ourselves, grooming are all continuous processes, so we keep learning and keep working things out always, how opportunities aren't continuous and so we have to be prepared for when it comes, opportunities wouldn't come for your weakness, your work field is your strength, it would come test your work and if successful, then a new level has been unlocked. Work more on your abilities, and pay attention to your weakness.

Life has a lot in store, we must keep trying our best shots at success, keep building ourselves personally, trying to improve ourselves on every side, money, family, career, mindset, all this we have to put in work to get out results, do you know you can become an expert in your field, you probably are not devoting enough time and energy into improving, maybe your time and energy are being divided between your strength and weakness, add more to your strength, its from there the true gain come... our weaknesses should be treated as weeds being trimmed and cautioned, but our strengths are our passion, our force, focus more on your strengths.

I really appreciate your effort and time to read, have yourself a productive day. One love guys ❤.

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1 year ago
Topics: Strength, Focus, Weakness, Time, Energy, ...


That's very beautiful message for everyone who want to step out of their dark minds and life's. Everyone has weakness, but converting your weakness into strength means everything.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Thank you so much for this beautiful remark. Yes everyone needs to step out of their dark minds and understand that so much more can be achieved.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Recently, I just realized that I should not let myself walk away from my weaknesses but rather make a move to turn them as my strength. And I think I am doing better now.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

That's great charming, success is the goal, we doing whatever it takes to achieve this

$ 0.00
1 year ago