Everything Can Be Learnt

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2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Free, Entertainment, Love, Time, ...

Absolutely everything you aspire can be learnt, you only need to take out time and dedication to actually learn. A whole lot of things have been amazing to me, I feel like God did some kind of favouritism to some people while he forgot to give to some others, up till when I began to see life on a clearer picture, for what it truly is, and now I know for certain that no one got it all by birth, or just fell on you from above, it was all gotten from learning, yet in the learning we get segmented, by reason of dedication and timing, some apparently are more devoted than others, as some understands it more than some others, and this brings about the difference in rating.

What is it you aim at, stop thinking it's so high to be achieved, see from someone who's doing it and you'll see he or she is just a normal human like you, the only difference is that he or she learnt it and you haven't yet learnt it. One major area I had so much respect for has been the coding area and computer programming, I'm always like how do this guys know what to type, how do they understand the language input the computer needs to give the desired results. Eventually I realized a friend of mine learnt it in just few months and has already started the programming like a pro, indeed i was shocked.

Like I earlier said, its not a heavenly task, that which you wish to do or get, you can very much achievable, it's open to any and everyone who is ready to recieve, a in a few while later, you can check back to see the improvement such a person has undergone. No one came birthed and given the ability to know all things, this is why there is a need to study, bringing oneself low, humbly enough to recieve what is being offered. As well as being dedicated to learn well. Everything can be learnt, we shouldn't be scared of trying. What are you learning now.

We must learn to assure ourselves that we are capable to the task, that we can do it and do it well. It might not be looking too good at first, it might seem as though this route wasn't destined for you, but it's only a test, everyone gets tested, the issue is that we often feel like we have the worst experience, maybe since there are no body with us, we feel like the burden is much, oh lets just quit. Do quit and you must have missed out completely. Quitting is the game over you never want to select. Stay!, keep learning.

Your favorite mentors also learnt, the weren't supernaturally empowered to do what they do, that gets everyone loving them. No in the beginning for them all too, it was a blank, I mean they had no clue on what to do, probably their passion kept them continuing the journey to what they aim and have been praying to for . More reason why I encourage people to share their true life story, a true life story, this way the world can see that it's very possible for anyone to become anything and everything, just with learning, they only have to come learn it. The learning time is the time we need to care about now.

However how many of us really like the learning process. The learning process is the unpleasant time, you have got restrain yourself, and inconvenience yourself to some certain extent, all of this just so they can learn. Its the most crucial part, sadly that most people don't like the wait, its the part that determines how your day ahead would be carried out. It also determines if you'll be respected for your job, cause it would tell if your job done is well commendable or not. So rather than run away from the learning process, try to stay more and ensure you're well thougyht and grabbing all that is said. Learn, spend more time and dedication so you must have learnt well before you're prepared for the real world.

I can remember being told I needed to learn to play the piano. At first it was looking like a task on the mountain, like how do I get the sounds, how do I know what to press on a particular note, it was indeed driving me crazy, but I stayed on learning and ofcourse today the difference is cleared. Someone, a friend on mine was unable to be expressive in public, he couldn't stand a crowd and talk. This he had to learn, he learnt it and was real dedicated to it, today he is helping more people overcome theirs. So many things that would cross your mind and you'll realize how far you've come now. It all seemed impossible but here you are, fully accomplishing it.

With this truth, never shy away, if someone somewhere is doing it then you too can. All you need to know is to take out time to learn. As humans we never stop learning, its the reason why the world would only keep upgrading, cause people are constantly learning new things and breakinhg new levels. Same.goes to us as humans, we too must keep learning, this way we are upgrading, we are better than the way we were before. But these Is the essence of living, just same way we grow taller and more Brilliant by the age, its expected that we also learn. This learning helps us stay afloat and on point, as well as helps give us the fulfillment of a day well spent.

Get something and learn guys. No one knows it all, we all are learning everyday, so kept learning. Thank you all for Reading through. Thanks also for your reading. Do like, comment and subscribe. One love guys. Stay safe.

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2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Free, Entertainment, Love, Time, ...


There is no limit to what we can achieve or learn, we just have to dedicate our time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

true, and learning isn't that hard if you think about it I also think the learning process is great.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I absolutely agree anything can be learned, and learning isn't that hard if you keep your heart in to it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hence we are determined to do those things we think we don't have a skill in, then we will see the possibility of knowing how to do them better. The best has always been to give it a try

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That determination is what we need truly infact, we would soon see that its never impossible at all. Not one bit.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In as much as it has to do with learning, then I believe everyone should be given the opportunity to learn and remove age barriers

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Me too agree with it. No age limit can also stop this learning process. To achieve one must strive hard.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hard work does it, its not limited or restricted by age.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hard work and fully concentration can help you to learn anything. Besides, you need the passion to do so.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So right, all this creates the right combination for any to work with.

$ 0.00
2 years ago