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Deciding on the next step to take actually comes naturally with living, we all have got to decide at some points in our lives, what we actually should be looking at is making the right choices that would lead to better and positive feedback. The main motive of the article emanates from the fact being some people are so wavering when it comes to deciding, the could take a stand and the next moment they've changed it, thereby showing that they were never certain nor deep rooted in their taken stands. Our lives is in our hands and no one else, we bear the hard and the good, so we must learn to make and stand on our decisions.

At home or even as employees, when our parents or bosses give orders to do something, we hurriedly go ahead to do it, go there, do this, do that, and we make it a priority and accomplish it, yes because of the pay I know, but we also have our individual desires, what we know we ought to do, but we not doing them. Tomorrow I'm going to inquire about that space I want to buy, I'm going to call that person to discuss the matter with, I'm going to wake so early so I can be there by 7am, but when it comes to the time to take due actions, we get tired easily.

Maybe because there are no body to put check on us, maybe because its just you doing it for you, so you don't take it so serious. That's where the self respect comes in. The ability to take your self and your self ambitions seriously. Especially for major ideas that do come to mind. As much as possible we all need to take our individualistic dreams as a major project, we need to take it more serious than others too. Its ours, so once its very believe in the possibilities of it becoming fruitful, then what's the hold up, let's go ahead and push it, and this pushing requires us to do what we say, and do it promptly.

No employers earns Lower than his employees, so if we also want to earn more than our employers, then we need to actively start pushing for what we want to do, and yes start doing them. A whole lot of people have heard this and were motivated, but when the alarm clocks rings, they are quick to throw it off. They are always Procrastinating the works. Till when I ask, when may never come. A quick study of most successful people would show a lifestyle of a man who is not afraid to work at mid night, who isn't shy to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty, just to prove he also can do what it is he has set his heart to do. This we must learn to, to decide and respect our decisions, much more than we respect others decisions.

Taking ourselves serious is often the hardest task to do. Often times we care for others much more than we care for ourselves, and then we get hurt and start feeling bad, well we can't change ourselves, that's just us. So many has got ideas and inventions but just don't think something great can come out of them, they probably feel its is a silly idea. I'm not that intelligent, so how can I pull it off, please let someone else take care of it. Often the mistake we make, so when we dream, we often don't live up to it, we wake and never bother to ponder on it, off we go to do our regular business, and we forget what we were suppose to take seriously.

So with this we begin to wonder on what is that we want to do, we go back to our sketch board and pick out those things we have written out, now we are taking it more seriously. When we say we are going all out tomorrow to do it, we are truly going after it, my business is now a serious business. I take myself seriously now. I can do the impossible, I can come up with a million dollar idea, I can oh yes I can. So its something we all need to start thinking about. How to respect our decisions, a self respect for what we want to do. Its discipline, self discipline.

Discipline is very valuable and not just in terms of business ideas but in general life also. Sometimes we have people around us, who treat us for less, and we need to have a big level of self respect for ourselves, cut them off and face the future with better people in our life. No one would take us seriously if we don't take our selves seriously first. Get self respect, know what to accept and what not to accept. You deserve the very best, don't you know, yeah you should know. When you see someone is toxic then we must make that tough decision to cut them off, a tough decision yes, and discipline would help us execute the plan. In all guys, let's learn to respect our decisions.

Thanks for reading guys. Make good decisions in every area of lives, work, love, career, even fun, know what's right and do what's right.

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