Building Self Confidence
When you come to think of it you'll realize that nothing and no one is worth having you feel bad about yourself, everyone has their own issues, we feel they are better because we aren't aware of what they are dealing with. At last we would all learn to focus on ourselves and ourselves alone and the few people who genuinely matters to us. We Also need to be aware of the dangers of feeling bad and having low self esteem in oneself, all of what it hinders us from achieving. As soon as we see that the reason behind our low self esteem is clearly not worth it, is it someone, is it people, why do you so care about feeling embarrassed, work on your self and build your capacity so that you can excel and make your family and generations proud, I feel that is what truly matters not the people seating and laughing at you.
The environment too isn't friendly, rather it preys on people's inability and try subjecting them under its rule. Low self esteem is a major issue we all must look into, like I always say, we are only human, everyone all together, are all humans., so there should be absolutely no need to get inferior over another. Absolutely no low self esteem should be allowed, its a not so good attribute people often live with, we must see to stop this, deliberately move to bring an end to it.
I'll like to share on why this low self esteem is bad, if we don't see the negativity it brings, then how do we seek to change it for the better. Don't mistake low self esteem to being an introvert, or taken to mean you're shy. Not it's different, being an introvert doesn't account for low self esteem, introverts prefer to keep to theirselves but they are not shy to express their self when need be, neither are they ashamed of theirselves, they simply prefer to keep their circle small or stay indoor.
Same with being shy, you aren't shy because you have a low self esteem on yourself, you van be shy for many reason, maybe you don't know what to do, seen something or someone who makes your heart skips, or you aren't prepared and taken by storm so you're dumbfounded. However this both being shyness and an introvert are not low self esteem, don't liken them together.
A low self esteem person is more prone to living a rather useless life, when someone already tags him or herself as useless. Someone who thinks there is nothing outstanding in him or her, we wonder what such a person can do, in a gathering already you have written yourself off as the least among the number, oh I don't stand a chance, no one would like me, no one wants me, I can't do it, he is better than me, she is more appreciated, seeing no value in oneself, no self worth, This is a silent disease, of course this is a motive traceable to most suicide cases.
It doesn't hurt to say nice things to someone, this culture I have noticed and imbibed, when I come around people and I notice somethings commendable, be sure I'll tell you how awesome it is and how awesome you are also. The human minds works in such a way that we are always accessing ourselves, and when we are around people it tends to access yourselves in relation to the person next.
When we feel somewhat important to the person, or when we feel we are better to the person, then our confidence boost, and we get more lively. In the other vein, if in our comparison we feel we matter less to the persons or we are in anyway less In attributes compared to the person, the next time emotions would be for the person to feel down, just then you've got to remind yourself of your importance and the fact that you're a blessing to the world and anyone should be happy to know you. Remind yourself.
We can't always surround ourselves with people whose think we are better than, it shouldn't be that way if growth is something we hope on. We should associate ourselves with greater people,greater in the sense that this people are high achiever and have broken more grounds than you and are already in a place you hope to be.
Right association is a faster route to getting what you want, so make good relationship with great people, and while around them, don't result to feeling down, rather remind yourself of what you stand to gain, and how best such association can help you, and make you a better person. Our emotions speak but our heart speaks more, so speak to yourself, have hope in a better tomorrow and let this be a tool to gear you into becoming more. Push away the low feelings, you can achieve a lot. You're the best.
A constant reminder of what you can do, of who you are. Sometimes we look to the mirror and just focus on the positive sides we know, know your worth. We need to be on top of our emotions, no matter what or where you are presently, you are still better than most of people and those people are living their best life, its all in the mindset, you have to be happy however, life is a limited edition, you can't get another again. So we choose to live the best we can now, and remain happy.
Thanks for reading everyone, please like, comment and subscribe. Stay true to yourself.