Always Take Time Out To Remember

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Remembering is that one habit that we don't exhibit as much as we should, the fact that we forget somethings is bad enough as a missed opportunity, people should get what they deserve as it becomes a lesson to them, a good person hope to be remembered someday when he or she needs the assistance, now imagine you forget and refuse to help, how would you feel when you get reminded? In same vein a bad person needs to be remembered also or else he could feel like it's all right, the fact that we can remember keeps them in thoughts cause it can come back to hunt them in the future. God gave us the gift of remembering, we aren't just exploring it enough yet.

Another essential need for remembering is how it helps us stay grateful, hopeful and positive that things would turn out great. Its good we make how time to reflect on our past and be grateful for how far we have come. Cause each time i have been face with a newer challenge I get so down, most times I forget that the previous challenge I overcame was greater than this new one I'm facing and it would be only logical that I be calm in the midst of this trouble, if I can overcome the previous, then I can overcome this new one raising its ugly head.

Have you seen someone whose self confident that he would win during trying times, and you wonder what gives them such boldness, how can they be so sure and so relax, especially believers in Christ, I've seen people literally walk out of sickness just by saying this can't be me, sickness has no hold over me and start acting like there's nothing wrong with them and just like the sickness has ears, zoom off it goes. Just when you ask them what makes you so sure, they often say they have been through worst, and the same God who helped overcome the previous has assured them to always be there.

Such awesomeness, to like a life as a cheat, when others are struggling with trying to live by strength, you're relaxed, your task is just to trust and wait. Its often said, those who can remember are those who know how to appreciate best. Imagine helping a friend out and he's always appreciating you, indeed you'll be glad and when next you can help him or her, you wouldn't want to think twice, well same with God.

There's a popular story in the bible, it's tagged the story of the 10 lepers, now Jesus healed all 10 of them and so they were excited and indeed they were grateful, normal reasoning should tell us that they would have said their thank you, in fact show great amount of joy and appreciation to Jesus, he healed them off year long disease, and so they were mandated to show theirselves to the high priest so they can be assessed and allowed to live among the people once again, but just when they were running to the high priest in excitement, one of the lepers was thinking different.

Others were already imagining their lives anew and what they want to do, how they want to surprise their family and so on, but this one leper was thinking on how best to show his gratitude to who helped him, and so he ran back, left everyone and left every excitement just to say thank you to the man who healed him, this caught Jesus compassion and he blessed him more, he made him completely whole, that means no more traces, not only was he healed, it was completely impossible to think he was sick as his skin was anew.

You know sometimes we should remember, how God has been there for us in time past, how we needed some things and we got it, everyone sometimes have needed a miracle to happen, something that we can't get by ourselves, some things that we know would only be a supernatural intervention for it to happen, and indeed it happened. Of course that moment we are grateful, we say our thank you and dance round with gratitude but then we forget the essential lessons we need to learn, the lesson meant was for you to be rest assured that though he's invisible to the human eyes, yet he does exist and most active, in fact the best option you can count on, not your spouse, not your parents, God indeed is the best help anyone can get. We often forget, so this is a call to remember.

Do you remember when you were sick and it felt like you were going to die, but here you're smiling as you're reading. Do you remember when you were praying to get into the universities, and God gave it to you. Do you remember when you didn't know what to eat, but now you've got enough to eat. Do you remember when you were looking for a job and it felt like your prayers were silent, now you've gotten a job. Do you remember wanting to have a kid of your own and now you've gotten a kids of your own.

Now when you keep remembering, don't forget and when next you're faced with something tough, just know that All would be well. You have won in the past, and hey you'll win again. Let's Always Remember.

Thanks for reading.

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