Sons and daughters of life.

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Avatar for BrightT
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Mindset, Hope, Peace

Early this morning as I woke up still on the bed staring at the ceiling, I noticed a movement on the ceiling, what was that? Oh! A gecko. Shit! I hate geckos I said to myself as I moved to look for something to hit it and kill it but unfortunately for me and fortunately for the gecko I changed my mind after hitting my knee on the edge of the stood beside my bed. Arrgh! That hurt badly, how could I have hurt myself because of a mild gecko just going about it's own business I thought as I inclined myself backwards on the bed. I regreted my action.

There I was when I began to reminisce on my past. I'm not going to tell u my stories, pardon me maybe next time I'll share it but I got to realize that I've always been taking life too hard for myself, I have always fought for what I wanted of which in most cases I failed and that made me to be depressed. I hated myself for not being what I wanted to be, and I find it very difficult to get over it just like now that I'm still staring at this stupid gecko(pardon my foul word) that has been on one spot for over 30 minutes, maybe it's a normal attitude for geckos.

I get to realize I need to have a change of mindset on how I view life, I need to hope for the best and if the best is not coming the way I want it,that shouldn't change my person or make me sad, I should always stay happy irrespective of the situation I find myself in life.

I guess you are aware that you only have one life to live, if you're lucky you might get two. So many of us live a carefree live why some of us take life so difficult and we get tensed in our dealings with people and things.

If I may ask you these few questions,how do you live your life?

Are you sure you're living life

or it's life living you?

Are you living life like an enthusiast or mediocre?

Life is defined according to people's present status quo.

Life is defined according to the facet of situation/challenges we handled.

What's your definition about life?

What is life?

One of the Bible verses quotes that:


Our life is like a boat floating on a stormy water, the storm is the challenges we face in life. If we allow JESUS, the giver of never-ending peace to come into the boat of our life, we will surely overcome the challenges we face and life becomes a better place for us.

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$ 2.87 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for BrightT
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Mindset, Hope, Peace


I hate lizard too.. I am afraid of them actually 😳😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol, most people hate to see them in their rooms.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right. We should always have Jesus in our life for He knows what's best for us. Lift up everything to Him including your goals and decisions. Pray and work for it and let Him do the rest. Whatever is His plan, we should pray for patience, faith, wisdom and understanding.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jesus is the only way to true happiness, thanks for this words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm... Life is a mystery! Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, but we need to always stay happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


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2 years ago