- Listing Requests and Scroll-to-Top - 5/30/2022
Another small update today on I added a few things from my mental roadmap since I was off for Memorial Day. Please take a moment to remember the sacrifices of all veterans from all countries and conflicts, few wars are fought by those that start them.
The largest addition today is the Listings Page. I've been trying to scour Telegram and Twitter to find the newest smartBCH projects, but now project owners (or anyone, really) can request a listing for their sBCH project. This is being released in a beta fashion right now, please be patient and respectful or it will promptly come down. I appreciate any help keeping this directory up-to-date for the community.
Additionally, I added a 'floating, scroll-to-top button' that will appear on each page when the content is scrolled. This was mainly added for mobile (I'm still trying to improve the experience) but I liked the addition on the desktop version as well so I kept it there. Click this button to quickly return to the top of the current page; Home, About, Whitepaper, and smartBCH pages are all supported.
Finally, I moved the donation addresses from the footer to a separate modal. This was done to compact the footer more as well as allow me to post up all spending and donations along with the cost delta. I never expect donations of any kind, and any donations received will sit dormant until they are absolutely needed. My plan remains to keep this website running at my own cost for as long as possible and feasible.
As always, check out the Support Telegram channel with any questions, concerns, or website requests. It can be found here:
The Announcements channel can be found here if you want to stay up-to-date with all news: