Thieves are Merciless!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Content, Diary

Why would a person be fine with taking people's things without their consent? It is called stealing. Taking what does not belong to you all because of greed or covetousness is mad, I mean very bad. Thieves forget that people work, one way or the other, for whatever they own. They struggle to get those things and someone from somewhere would just steal and sell it cheaply.

My friend called me yesterday telling me that her phone was stolen on Saturday at her shop. I felt for her because it's not even up to a year that she got the phone and they just took it. According to her, the thieves pretended as if they wanted to buy something. They were two. They came differently. So she was not suspecting them or anything. My friend sells clothes.They already selected what they wanted. She told them the price but all of a sudden they started behaving funny. One said he had to withdraw from the POS nearby and the other left almost as soon as the first one left without buying anything. Then she discovered that the reason they left hastily was because they'd already stolen her phone.

Can you imagine that? She was crying and lamenting over the phone when she called. I felt for her. She is a student. She only helps her mom at the shop. There is no hope that she will get a new phone as soon as possible.

She told me she went to retrieve her line on Monday. If not for her dad that gave her a small phone and that is what she is managing now.

It's just disheartening that the rate at which people steal nowadays keep increasing. When I got home and I told my friend about it, he also told me that his dad's phone was also stolen some weeks before. He told me that it's now very rampant. He said another thing that shocked me again. He said the new phone his dad got was stolen the same day my friend's own was stolen.

It's not like the police are not doing their job. The police are trying but these thieves are not making their hard work reflect.

Let's just try to be carful wherever we are and try not to get too carried away by what is happening around us so those picpocketers won't have access to our things.

Stay safe!

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Content, Diary


Thieves have no heart for me cos their cruel level is so wide. It's nice meeting you. You are a Nigerian, let me get to know you well so I can put you through the platform.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am a Nigerian. Nice meeting you too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let's chat on WhatsApp 08125953883

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay. I'll add you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I still haven't heard from you

$ 0.00
2 years ago