Don't Judge

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2 years ago

It's been two days since I last posted an article. Sorry for my inactivity. I have been busy with some things especially work that's why. I'll try to read as many articles as possible today.

I have something to share with you. It's about a friend of mine. We are bosom friends. We are very close. Her house is just a few distance from mine. We grew up together. We even went to the same primary School. I am a little bit older than her but we are very free with each other and share things together. We act like sisters.

Did I mention how busy I have been these days? Yes I did. I have been quite busy and I didn't have time for a lot of things as I needed absolute concentration on what I was doing. I could not check up on my friends as well. I appreciate those who did during those period. But this friend of mine did not try to see, call or message me. Anytime, she is around, I would go to her house and whenever she can too, she would come visit me.

But this time around, I heard nothing from her. I was angry at first but later worried. Her number was not going through and there was no how I could go to her house since I return from work around 7pm. This is because my house is far from where I work.

Then, I saw my friend's sister some days back. I asked her how my friend was dating and she said she is doing fine. I was relieved when I heard this. She told me that my friend has just returned back to school because they had started exams. I'd totally forgotten about her upcoming exam that she told me about.

I learnt a lot from this. Just because someone very close to you stops checking up on you does not always mean you have become less important or they no longer care about you. It might be that something came up with them or they are very busy. So, try not to judge before you hear their side of the story. They will even appreciate you more. I believe that is one way to build friendship

Although, one might feel pained and betrayed but we should still try to talk to them. As long as there in no discrepancy between you and your friend, you are good to go.

I appreciate everyone here that come here everyday, read and post articles. Your consistency matters. Have a nice day!

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Written by
2 years ago


You are right. We may not know what is going on with the other person. So, we should be patient to hear from them first even if we have to judge them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes ooo. Patience is the key

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2 years ago