Even My Holidays will not help to be active here..

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Avatar for BlueFlipper
1 year ago

Hello to all the beautiful read dot cash family! How are you?

After couple of weeks, I was disappeared from the map of read dot cash. Our life didn't work like we expect. It always loves to bring fluctuations in our routine. I some days ago made a regular schedule but it remained helpful for few days and again I suffered by dormant condition. Like crypto bearish and bullish trend, same trading is happening with my daily life. Today, I decided to prove myself as active member of this community again and InshAllah did my best to publish daily stories here.

Few days ago, I decided to take Pause from my farm busy life and was thinking to increase my attention on read dot cash but it not helped me a lot. Because in all four days, I was sleepy and love to bed. My activities reduced because it was a rest time after busy one month. Anyway, today when I joined farm again. I decided to follow schedule and will be active on following platforms.

  • Noise.app

  • Publish0x

  • Ecency

  • Read Dot Cash

Today was first day when I promised to myself. Hence, I had read couple of articles from good authors like Pantera, Princess, Leonareed And Brother Amjad. Thanks to sister @LeonaReed who provided some questions to answer here. She is no doubt nice lady with sharp mind. Although, I am sluggish but I love to follow doorsteps of brother @Amjad_Ali_Waince who is not only active person but also generous soul. Anyway, let me start to answer some questions that I picked from Leonareed blog.

Image Source

Who is you favorite author of literature and Why?

I have clear perspective about my purpose of life. I love to read and listen sad stories that have reality and learning. In this regard, I am impressed by a lot by views of Khalil Ur Rahman Qamir whose ideas about women and modern world are very clear. His literature is more close to my heart.

What is one thing your Mom or Dad doesn't understand about you?

I love to marriage life. This secret is not understood till now by my parents. When I am broken, I missed the person who is my lifeline. Many times, I revealed my this keen desire to my parents, but they failed in understanding my feelings.

Who's relationship do you admire and Why?

I agreed to answer of sister Leonareed. There is no parallel of parents love. This relationship is permanent either we have good time or bad time. I love to my parents also. They are my shade in sever hotness of the modern era. No doubt, they provided me with good facilities. If I am successful in my dreams, this all credits goes to their hard work and brilliant compassion for me.

What meme represent your life?

I believe in success after hard work. I know some day all corner of the world will be familiar about me and my work. I made following meme to represent my life through Kapwing.

Image Source

If you could marry a celebrity, who it will be?

I don't like to marry with Celebrities. I want a partner that will always available to me. I happily skip to answer this question. I hope my readers will not mind it.

How much you can recognize the name of the capitals from the map without Google's help?

I was good in Geography if I revised my past. I was the only student in the class who made record of marks in geography. I am 70% sure to trace the capitals from names if someone bring google map for me. It is easy work for me. During my journey to other areas of the world, I always love to take help from Google map for tracking my location.

Final Thoughts

I am quite sure to be active here. I am hopeful my all readers will enjoy all answers of my questions. From relationship to google tracking capitals, I did justice in answering. I am not good meme maker but hopeful my serious meme will also add something in your knowledge.

Thanks for reading and supporting me.

$ 1.12
$ 0.89 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @trixdawson
$ 0.03 from @TheGuy
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Avatar for BlueFlipper
1 year ago


Yes friend there's a success after hardwork that's why in life we should work hard to because successful.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

We should struggle and leave the result for God.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We have the same answer about not marrying a celebrity. I also don't like it, I don't even dream myself being married to a celebrity. I just want someone who's always there for me. Someone who gonna love me the way I am. I just want a simple marriage life.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Like you, I have similarities in your talk and love.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ohhh that is why you are MIA here. Its good to have you back. 🤜

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I am just your fan parrot. Anyway, thank you for always some good words.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Welcome back dear sister. It's been long time since you posted last time ...

About :

one thing your Mom or Dad

Perhaps you would have not tell them clear-cut

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Both have same love for me hence you are confused. Thank you for your good words.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Busy life throws us away sometimes. It's been so long I read from you and imagine my excitement when I got my comment. Good to see you here and see you around.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah, I am back after a long. But now I decided to give time here properly.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's wonderful... It would be nice to see more of you around. Good one.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Really I'm happy to see you here again. Mostly in our country perants are against to love marriage and i think now children know this fact too and avoid them to fall in love but i feel sorry for you too that you lost your lifeline.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

My all blogs are more interesting due to good people like you. Thank you for my smile. Love marriage is more liked by modern generation now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes our new generation is more in the favor of love marriage

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's good to see you posting every now and then but sadly you used to post every day on read.cash I wish you start posting consistently again like you used to cause i really miss your articles and am always looking forward to reading them.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you for missing my content here. I shall do my best to continue this Journey as it was before.

$ 0.00
1 year ago