Don't trust anyone...

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2 years ago

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"Not everyone can be trusted. I think we all have to be very selective about the people we trust."

- Shelley Long

Hello to all Read Dot Cash Community! How are you? I am suffering from Diarrhea with vomiting. This was the main reason I was not able to publish an article yesterday. I just woke up because my intestines are still aching and my abdomen is making splashing sounds due to gas accumulation although I am unwell I can't compromise on my 30 Days Writing Challenge. Today's topic is synchronized with today's happening. So let me, Stadt with how someone broke my trust and how I suffered from an enteric system problem.

Don't trust anyone in case of food:

Yesterday, our chief was on leave so I have to find another source for lunch. I drove my car and reached a well-known restaurant in our area. I ordered Beef meat with two pieces of bread. After 15 minutes they served me. I ate it with full relish because the dish was delicious and spicy.

After taking a meal, I ordered Sugar cane Juice. They made a parcel of juice and served it to me. During driving, I was drinking this juice. I was happy and was dreaming about my next visit soon to this restaurant.

One week later, I asked my assistant for taking some edible cocked stuff from the restaurant I visited last time. First of all, my PA cherished me and impressed me with another restaurant. I denied it and forced him about the same restaurant I visited last time. Anyway, he accepted and promised to follow the instructions given by me.

I was eating again beef meat, suddenly I felt something wrong happen with my abdomen. I left the dining table and moved to my room. I called Family Physician. During the time physician was coming to my house, I went to the washroom three times and vomit two times. After the complete check-up, he injected a drip and mixed injections in it. Moreover, he also recommended a biochemical profile test for my body's minerals. Anyway, when she visited a second time, she read the test reports completely. She also whispered to me, "Don't take edible stuff from common hotels because the cocker added Soda Bicarb during cocking that caused mineral Imbalance. This imbalance resulted in your enteric problem. Now I grab the whole issue with me and started the Inquiry against my assistant. When questions were asked by PA about restaurants. He first denied and rejected all excuses but when I proved him through my test report, he started to give excuses to me. He accepted he brought foodstuff from a common hotel.

I was aggressive with him and wanted to send him to Jail because it was my life that can be lost due to his small mistake but I decided to cancel his job at Mill. He got the fruit of his mistake and his stubborn behavior which he surely deserved. This is how my PA broke my trust and sent me on a trail where my life was not safe.

Final Thoughts...

Although it was all about the 30 Days writing challenge today's topics have great similarities to yesterday's story. I surely shall share this with my kiddos still I am engaged still 😆. We should not trust anyone. Being human, we can make mistakes that can charge someone greater. It was my last experience when I trusted someone for food. Because I always like to eat things mainly clocked by me. Moreover, we should avoid visiting common restaurants and hotels. Because they have poor quality foodstuff that can be problematic for our enteric system.

Thanks for reading and supporting my article.

About Author:

<====BlueFlipper Original Content! All copyrights are reserved in Laws so you can share it only========>

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2 years ago


Get well soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You learned a lesson with your assistant. Even people we regularly trust cannot be trusted. Because sometimes these people will also be tempted to fail. that you get better very soon from your intestinal illness due to the intake of bad foods.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Now I am fine dear sister, thanks for asking. Yeah no one is able to be trusted, we should always be conscious of people actions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sorry for the health troubles. Your PA, maybe he tried to save you money because food from common hotels are not costly. But if he didn't give you the extra money, that means it's weird

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly he didn't return money to me. Moreover he was hiding what he did. After strict investigation he accepted what he did.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really annoying how people we trust could sometimes act, so differently, why on earth will you PA go against your simple orders. So sorry for your health, get some rest and drink plenty fluid.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

After drip and medication I am little bit recovered back sister. I hope sooner I shall be normal.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Alrught dear...stay safe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The conduct of the PA was really disgusting he shouldn't cheat you. It's good that you fire him from job. How are you feeling now?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am feeling well now dear friend. Still there is pain in my abdomen but I can get good medication because I know about them. How are you by the way?.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Get well soon buddy 😘😘 alhamdulilah I am alright

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The things involving food, money and family don't trust others for this. And yes, many cheap hotels use soda to make their items. And frankly speaking I have eaten a lot of those foods in my childhood in teenage and I didn't have any problem while one my friend faced similiar issue like yours after a year and it was revealed the cause was the cheap hotel food. It shows immunity also matters. Make sure your body's immunity is high to not to suffer much during such betrayals. And take rest, eat well and heal soon. Just like what BCH is doing now, hehe.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am on the bed now but yeah I need green health like BCH now. I am medicine doctor and trying my best to recover soon brother.

$ 0.00
2 years ago