Natural beauty is the foundation of a happy relationship

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2 years ago
Topics: Health, Natural, Beauty

As you may have noticed, lately I have come to natural beauty in my life: I have restored my hair color, removed manicure from my nails and do not even shave hair in my armpits and other places. And you might think that I just became a body positive feminist, but I am not. I just realized that the natural beauty of a person helps him in choosing the right partner with whom the greatest happiness in life is possible.

The fact is that our body has a genetic program for choosing a partner with opposite genes. It was created by nature to improve the immunity of the child, which leads to better survival and better adaptation to life in him. Nature created it in such a way that physically, at the level of chemistry, we are attracted to a person with different genes from ours. And if we listen to our nature and choose the right partner for us and give birth to a healthy and hardy child with him, then nature rewards us with even greater pleasure from a partner and from life.

That is, for example, if you have dark skin and brown eyes, then most likely your ideal would be a fair-skinned person with green or blue eyes. If you have light brown hair and a Mongoloid face type, then most likely you are predisposed to like red-haired people with freckles.

But what has propaganda done for our misery? With the help of the beauty industry, movies and advertising, it instilled in us a fashion for "not accepting ourselves" as we are. It instilled in us false ideas about beauty with multi-colored hair and long claws. And what do we see? We see that few people consider themselves a priori perfect and ideal. Every person with natural beauty thinks that she does not fit into these false images of the ideal, and begins to modify herself.

But the fact is that all these artificial and chemical interventions in our body entail difficulties in recognizing the opposite genes. That is, for example: a man with tanned skin, blue eyes and light brown hair is genetically suitable for women with white freckled skin and red hair. And now he meets such a woman, but her hair is dyed black, her skin has turned brown with the help of self-tanning. And the genes of the man do not smell her. And because of this chemistry, they missed the opportunity to create an effective union and produce genetically hardy children.

But the other girl, on the contrary, dyed her hair red, although her natural hair was also light brown like a man's, and they created a pair. But then a divorce awaited them, because there was no strong physical craving, and the child was born with the same set of genes and was constantly sick and weak.

And now you can say that pheromones are not a changing thing, and the scent does not change from dyeing your hair. Allegedly, you can smell the opposite of genes even through artificial fillers. No such luck. Have you heard of such a concept as a fly in the ointment? Here is the same allegory: if you add a little chemical to your natural pheromones, then it will no longer be 100 percent your fragrance, it will be a fragrance with a taste of that chemical. And the more chemicals you have, the less you smell like yourself.

Therefore, we can see this situation in our society: all the people in the world smell of low self-esteem. Nobody accepts themselves for who they are. They hide this smell with those chemical perfumes. And how do you choose a partner if everyone smells equally bad and not natural ?!

And this was done so that all people were the same and chose partners not for love and physical attraction, but for convenience. What's the difference with whom to be if everyone smells alike? Since everyone is equally unattractive to me, so I will be with the one who pays more, or who has bigger boobs. And so people have no real desire for each other. One takes Cialis, the other smears her delicate spot with grease, and here we go. And if people were not robots, but were natural and chose partners naturally at will, then no sex shops would be needed.

And nature, by the way, is not stupid, and it did not create anything superfluous in our body. Armpit hair is created to spread our natural scent farther and wider. And what do we smell like if we killed all our hair follicles with a laser and smeared them with a chemical composition of deodorant on top?

Our skin releases incredible pheromones to attract opposite partners. And what does it smell like if we burned it all out with tanning beds, self-tanners, smeared with alcohol perfume, and painted it with tattoos?

Our hair color and smell gives a lot of information about us, but if our hair is all dyed and dyed again pink 100 times, what information can they give?

Our fat reserves also differ genetically. Chubby people like thin people and vice versa. Because one has a gene for fat reserves, the other does not, and this attracts them to each other. And how do we understand this if skinny girls have huge asses and boobs inserted, and fat women have exhausted themselves with liposuction, pumped out all the fat and become dystrophic?!

Therefore, if you do not want to be robots and choose other similar robots for convenience, then create natural beauty in your body, accept yourself and choose equally natural partners for scent and attraction. If you are natural and your partner is natural, then I guarantee you will not be wrong in your choice and will be happy with him. After all, only robots filled with chemicals and smelling of chemistry have unhappiness. These robots do not have such a privilege as the ability to sense their happiness.

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$ 0.10 from @Mictorrani
Avatar for Blogika
2 years ago
Topics: Health, Natural, Beauty


You mentioned somewhere that you are 22 years. old... Your thinking is amazingly mature for your age..or for any age.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks! I knew very early on what it was like to live in ignorance. And so I began to actively study all sciences: philosophy, ethology, psychology, neurobiology ... and so on.

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2 years ago