Hey there, Read Cash. It's been a while since the last time I have posted here. Just been real busy in the outside world. How's everyone? Good, I hope.
While some brag about how big their earnings are, I am here to brag about how I coped up with depression.
One of the ways that I healed my many years of depression was by caring for the people who had been suffering emotionally and mentally. During the years of doing this, I would often have dreams that I was healing myself and eventually, I did (little by little), depression and the fear of suicide no longer consumes my life (sometimes it triggers but not as overwhelming as before) as they did several times.
Forgiveness is also often not possible till the anger, despair, and humiliation of being dehumanized are expressed. Once the feelings are expressed, then comes the understanding that those who brutalized us did so at the emotional content of their own distorted beliefs. This brings not only forgiveness but also compassion.
Much of the human potential movement has tried to whitewash this into positive thinking which then only makes us feel more guilty for what we feel because down deep we are unable to live up to these false ideas. Emotional healing takes courage and the development of self-trust and yes the understanding that we are not created evil.
Wishing everyone a peaceful day wherever you may be.
One love
The photo is my own and taken by me.
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I'm so glad you beat the demons. It sounds like you had it really bad...