READ.CASH: First Thoughts

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Avatar for BlocKade-Crypto
4 years ago

Initial Impressions

It's my second day on Read.Cash and I must say I'm impressed. Maybe it's the developers who've created this or the time that has passed since Steemit. I recently logged back on and although some things have changed, I think is already way ahead. I for one, have basically mothballed my Steemit and I'm not looking back.

I was planning to take a picture of my online passwords and keys and posting them above since it looks absolutely ridiculous. I stored them offline and it's basically a page of passwords written out: Steemit password, Posting Key, Active Key, Owner Key, Steemit.Chat password, etc. (I like to highlight capital letters so I know what's what when I have to use them) Needless to say, I almost stopped before I even started. It was literally a full page of passwords. Not surprisingly, that UX is going to drive a lot of users away. Security and keys are great and all but...

Things I Like about Read.Cash

-I really like the layout: it's clean and modern and doesn't look like a small site. With other decentralized sites, it looks like you're going way back in time. I like the homepage with the sections and options like hot and random (don't miss out on random!). Maybe it's just my aesthetic but I like how clean it is: think DrudgeReport meets Bitchute/Youtube.

-I really think the UX is great, especially for such a young site. I mean, I was just looking around today and saw built-in SideShift integration, come on! It seems like it'll convert here to a bunch of other cryptos, (I like HonestCoin and BTC2 as options, among others) you give it a destination address, and it's all set. Maybe it's better that way but being able to store SLPs or other cryptos here would be cool. I'll be HODLing for that.

-The micro-tipping functionality works and is simple. I already got a few micro-tips (on my first article yesterday) and payed it forward with a few micro-tips as well. Whether it's here, the Brave Browser and BAT, Steemit, Voice, etc, I'm really excited about micro-tipping and the future whether it's micro-subscriptions, per article, per episode(podcast, video, etc), per song, or strictly based on viewers' voluntary feedback through tips/clicks/views/etc.

-I can already tell the community is great. Enough said. I kind of already knew a community with a bunch of BCH supporters would be awesome, though.

-There is an ambitious roadmap. You can read about it here. They've already done a lot and have a lot more things planned in the pipeline. You can already boost your posts and embed stuff and creating articles is fairly straightforward with headers/lists/links/etc and inline code boxes.

Things I would change/feedback

I would add some other video/audio embed options. I've noticed the options are Youtube and Vimeo, among others. I think it'd be great to add things like Bitchute or other decentralized media platforms. I really hate Youtube with their algos and censoring. My podcast gets 4 times+ the views on Bitchute as it does on Youtube and I really don't want to support that site anymore. Let's support other CryptoFriendly, Decentralized, FreeSpeechFriendly, and Censorship-Resistant Platforms. Headliner and Podcast integrations would be great as well.

Where are my subscriptions? It seems a little unintuitive to find creators. I also think there should be some sort of "Subs only" option on the homepage. I think the verified checkmark option is great to prevent scammers but it'd be great to see a verified users page as well. I think unknown creators who put out great content should be able to rise to the top as well. However, if Roger Ver or Jeff Berwick or some other big Crypto OG is here, it should be easy to find them.

Why did my balance disappear temporarily? I gave someone a micro-tip and then my balance showed itself as zeroed out. Then, some time later, my balance appeared again. Does it zero out when you tip/send/receive BCH between blocks? I'm not sure what happened there.

What does the 2-arrow circle next to your balance do? I thought it was a toggle or something, but whenever I hit it it just blinks. It's driving me a little crazy, lol.

Final Thoughts

I think is off to a great (and fast) start. I plan on writing here regularly. I had already planned on these writings being a exclusive. Then I saw the copyright protection and that made it a no-brainer, lol.

I'm also looking forward to reading content from, and supporting, other creators. Of course, I'm into Crypto so I'll be following BCH,, and other crypto news. I think it's also great that there are other communities here as well. I'm into IndyMedia, Politics, Philosophy, Guns/Knive, BMX/MTB, Snowboarding, Ultimate, and PlayingMusic as well so hopefully they become burgeoning communities as well.

The picture at the top is of a stamp I got made in Laos. The middle part is Laotian and is supposed to say my name. That was years ago and I'm still here and not leaving Crypto. Sub to get my scattered and Decentralized Thoughts. I'll be here writing, and HODLing in my CryptoBunker until the Shelter-in-Place order is over, lol.

$ 0.00
Avatar for BlocKade-Crypto
4 years ago


I agree BlocKade-Crypto, seems very solid and in the short time I have been here, seems to be growing daily. Like you, I found while looking for something like Steemit.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for the positive write up about " has stood the test of time and distinguished itself".

$ 0.00
3 years ago