Mind Run's on Gears

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Avatar for Biyaawnurr
1 year ago
Topics: Inktober, ArtPark, Gears, Mind, Art, ...

Inktober prompt Gears

You know this prompt made me feel how our body is like a machine and especially when we run our brain and it finally gives you that golden idea

So i sketched up half head with gears in the head and a bulb on top representating that he finally got an idea

Next i outlined it all honestly i could make this into a logo design too

Next i digitally outlined it and made the gears precisely and i didn't color it because i liked it this way

Time it took 25 minutes

$ 0.40
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Biyaawnurr
1 year ago
Topics: Inktober, ArtPark, Gears, Mind, Art, ...
