Differences i would make in the world if i could

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Avatar for Biyaawnurr
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...

If i could do one thing i would end World hunger and make it compulsory to learn about kitchen Gardening .

How would i end World hunger ? According to a statistic conducted in 2022 about 27% of the whole world population is kids which is over 1.9 billion and there are homeless people living in the streets .

My plan would be buying land in every town and making it a park where all the homeless people could learn to grow and grow fruit trees and vegetables and would be provided shelter in there like a dorm with multiple beds . It would be a public spot to have picnics and its not only better for the economy but also for the climate change . I would make all schools teach how you can you can reuse organic waste and make compost and use it for gardening not only they can learn new skills from a young age but also they can help in reducing waste and making our future better . The kids would be Paid a wage for volunteering and learn this all up and thats how they learn being independent and working hard from a young age .

I would make systems to reward the people who bring their reusable bottles and plastic bags and deposit them . So more people are encouraged not to throw them away senselessly .

Criminals would be given the punishment to clean out the beaches and sea . On days when public is not allowed to be on the beaches so our tourist points become more attractive and also a better place for the sea creatures .

Global warming is a big problem and i would take initiatives to reduce it reverse it . And work on the. Carbon foot print issue .

If i could i would try to make this world a better place to live in .

Thank you for your precious time and support ❤️

$ 0.06
$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Biyaawnurr
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...
