Aloo Bhonda

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Avatar for Biyaawnurr
1 year ago
Topics: Aloo, Recipe, Vegan, Foodie

When ever im struggling with "What to cook today?" this is what i do.

Aloo Bhonda are these Yummy Vegan Potato filled balls that melt in your mouth


  • •Boiled mashed potatoes

  • • roasted cumin

  • • salt

  • • peprika

  • • chives

  • • parsley

  • •chat masala

  • • Besan (chickpea flour)

  • • Oil to fry


I first took 1 cup mashed potatoes and mixed in salt , peprika , roasted cumin , chopped chives ,and chopped parsley . Mix it up and form balls with potato mixture . Next prepare the Besan batter by mixing salt , Besan and water enough to make it a paste like consistency next just dip your potato balls in it and fry them in oil .

Before serving you can put them on skewers and add siracha on top with some pickled green chilli chutney ❤️

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Biyaawnurr
1 year ago
Topics: Aloo, Recipe, Vegan, Foodie


Hey, Biya! How are you?

Hehe, My mom made it too. One of my favorite snacks kinda thing 😋

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love to eat potatoes and that recipe will be perfect too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago