Why do they invest so much in bitcoin cash?

3 391

Great doubts arise from several new users in the community when they notice a number of articles and projects have received big sums of money from big BCH investors.

And I understand, it can become surreal on certain occasions, but everything has a because, don't think these people go around giving money away, because they don't.

I would like to take as an example a well-known person from the community as @MarcDeMesel who today is the top tipper of Read.cash and principal funder of several projects born here.

@MarcDeMesel is a crypto investor, which has supported Bitcoin cash for some time now to a large number of users and projects born in the community, among the most outstanding projects financed by it, are Read.cash, Noise.cash, Bitcoincashnode, green bitcoin and many others who have had a large stake on his part.

Looking at it from the outside, you could see that maybe Marc has a lot of money which he doesn't know what to spend and prefers to give it away, which is why today we can see so many users asking him and on many occasions harassing him through his social networks so that he gives them a sum of money, things that shouldn't happen.

But it's not so, it's totally the contrary, Marc is a smart investor with a long journey in this world of cryptos, he knows and understands what bitcoin cash represents and that through this support he provides to the community, he is also making his portfolio grow by growing Bitcoin cash, that is the big difference that many do not notice in the work that marc makes , he does not give away his money, he invests it intelligently, of course knowing that there are risks, but still firmly believing in it.

A clear example: Noise.cash and Read.cash, Marc is the main businessmaker on these two platforms, which have attracted thousands of new users to the community, which has generated that transactions made in Bitcoin cash multiply exponentially, thus achieving by the hand of these same, a growth in the adoption and valorization of Bitcoin cash, all through a smart and bold strategy.

Why is investing in Bitcoin cash an excellent idea?

Well, going back to the main theme, nowadays even with the growth of BCH, it's still a good time to invest in bitcoin cash, why? I'll give you a few reasons.


Bitcoin cash today is one of the most versatile cryptocurrencies on the market, with waiting times between super short transactions, low commissions and a growing adoption, bitcoin cash is consolidated as the number one cryptocurrency in possibilities to replace the financial system as we know it today, leaving obsolete the FIAT system, all this hand in hand with its large projects born in its community.

2. Future

Bitcoin cash has a very promising future, because it represents what bitcoin really is, that's why right now that its price is still accessible to invest, it's an immense future opportunity, giving all those people who decide to join right now, the opportunity to grow enormously, it's a second chance presented to be part of Bitcoin , since the previous failure in 2017 when segwit was applied.


The bitcoin cash community is today one of the strongest and best consolidated, with gigantic growth and is that in the end, those who manage to grow something are the people and that Bitcoin cash has understood, by presenting the same not as a problem but as a solution and excellent alternative, for anyone who wants to be part of the , because due to the aforementioned points, bitcoin cash is totally affordable for everyone, regardless of the knowledge in cryptos they own, or the amount of money they own, there is no distinction between users, here they are all important.

For this and much more, it is an excellent idea to invest in Bitcoin cash, invest in true bitcoin, remember that time is a very precious thing and that tomorrow, this second chance can fade, because that's how this works and I very much doubt that there is a third chance.

$ 7.11
$ 5.00 from @Ellie
$ 1.91 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @homopit
Sponsors of Bitcoincashtrue


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3 years ago

Very interesting

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This was very important story, as I am new here, I learnt lots of things from here

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3 years ago