Things I Like In A Man.

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1 year ago

I'm sure that we all have our specs. We all have the things that we love in the opposite sex. Some people love the height, face, or any other thing we can see first or feel when we meet people. I'd love to list the things that I love in a man and I want to know the people who will love the same thing. Let's go!!

β€’ His Scent: This is the first thing I love about a man. No matter how ugly a man is if he scents nicely, I will like him. I may not like him to the point of dating him but I will surely have a crush on him just because of the way he scents even if he is not my spec. There is a guy I'm crushing on. The first day I met him, I didn't notice his scent until I met him again. Immediately I perceived it, I had to tell him that he scents very nicely. I asked him the name of his perfume and went to search for it on jumia but I couldn't get it. I told him after three days that I could not get the perfume and he gave me a new one that he has not started using. I was very happy. I wish you could perceive the scent on phone. You will surely like it. Let's get to the next point.

β€’ The way he talks: This is a very important factor. If a man wants me to date him, I will think about how he talks. I love guys who talk gently. I'm sure you know that some guys talk as if they are in the market or they lack manners. Some guys can be very loud and you would not want to relate with them. There are different guys everywhere. I can't relate to a talkative. I don't like men that talk too much. Normally, it is not good for you not to be able to control your mouth especially when you're a man. Trust me, I don't expect him to be perfect but I can never accept a man that doesn't talk gently or a talkative man. For your information, I'm talkative and I would not want to date someone who talks too much like meπŸ˜…. One of us must be calm. I had a guy who wanted to date me but I didn't accept him because he was talkative and he was too forward.

β€’ How organized he is: I love clean people. I love people who do things accordingly. I don't like people who rush. I'm a very observant person. I am observant of a lot of things like the way someone lays his bed, tidies his house, writes, wears and irons his clothes, scoops butter to eat bread, and eats and does almost everything. Have you ever met an organized person? I have met two organized people and I fell in love with their lifestyle. Organized people do things accordingly without rushing. They are not the type of people who rush to work and later find out that they forgot something at home. This set of people does things at the right time. If you meet an organized man, you tend to realize that they are very gentle and calm. Most times, they are always healthy because they care about their health. I love organized men. They tend to be very neat.

β€’ The way he handles things: The way people handle things goes a lot way. It speaks so much about them. Some people are very rough. They don't know how to handle things appropriately. Some don't know how to handle the issues at hand. Some don't even know how to handle and manage their life. It is very bad. A man that handles things roughly including things that are very precious to him will also handle you roughly. There is no magic that you can perform.

If a man lacks some of these things I mentioned here, I won't date him. It's a red light to me. I'm not saying that I'm perfect but at the same time, I want someone with that we are compatible together. I want someone that I can be able to cope with. If you find someone like you, you won't have a lot of arguments all the time. That's my belief.

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1 year ago


anahananahah It's like I have these ahahahaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're really a deep observer. So if I'm coming for you now,I must go and learn how to scoop butter to eat breadπŸ˜‚.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Funny dear, if a man lacks any of this you won't date him....I do have my spec as a lady but then sometimes our spec show like everyone wants them...the start forming, so I learnt my lesson

$ 0.00
1 year ago

HahahaπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Sorry about that

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Me too my friend. I love those people who are neat and clean. I love also those people who organized.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I guess we like the same thing 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend. We're the same. 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I would must say the way of being organized and manage things might be very effective to be close to someone.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's true You're very right

$ 0.00
1 year ago