She Left And Never Said Goodbye1 ๐Ÿ˜“

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2 years ago

What came to your mind when you saw the title of my post? I'm sure you all thought I'm writing this post about the deceased. No!!!! Kemi isn't dead!!! Kemi is alive!!! Are you confused? Now, let's open the chapter๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜.

Kemi is a wife to Mut. They're blessed with four children. They live in a rural environment. Kemi is such a nice human being. A nice loquacious being๐Ÿ˜. Also, a person that's fun to be with. Let's not forget that kemi is Mut's wife๐Ÿ˜. Also, Kemi is more jovial than I am๐Ÿ˜.

Let's talk about some other people here. Dupe is a young, fair and wonderful lady. She's also blessed with four kids. Dupe is a wife to Raf. Dupe is a nice human being, the woman that doesn't tolerate nonsense from anyone including her husband. Also, an hardworking lady. Let's put this in our head that these people do not know themselves ๐Ÿ˜Š.

On July 16, 2004, Raf got a job in a white man company. On that same say, Mut got a job in that same company. So guess what, they're sharing resumption date. Interesting yeah?

Raf and Mut became very close and they decided to let their family members meet with themselves. Luckily for them, they both have four kids and their kids are of the same age๐Ÿ˜. I'm sure you realize that they're joined from heaven. Also, the wives look alike each other๐Ÿ˜Š. Not to cap, but it's the truth.

One day, Raf and Mut got into a deep conversation. As a good friend, Mut advised Raf to some get a land beside his house since the owners are willing to sell it. Moreover, Raf has no property and he still lives in a rented apartment.

Raf got home and narrated the whole conversation to his wife. They took the idea and decided to get the land. After a week, they all went there to check the land and they felt it was good and they paid for it immediately.

Mut still lives in an uncompleted building. He's managing part of his house for the main time. Raf started the foundation of his house and he completed it to an extent. This happened within a year๐Ÿ˜Š.

Now, Raf and his family moved into their new house๐Ÿ˜Š. So quick? Yes, so build your own house too๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. Please do๐Ÿ˜. Raf's children school two hours away from their new house and his wife's workplace is around that area too. So they decided to rent a room apartment over there and they'll come to their new house every weekend. The plan worked and they continued that for over six months. Kemi didn't feel good about this because she wanted Dupe to be around her so that she'll see who to talk to and relate with. So, Dupe was advised to find a shop close to the house and also find a school that's close to the house for her kids.

This plan also worked out. Luckily, Dupe's shop is beside Kemi's shop๐Ÿ˜Š. Now, let's not forget that Mut and Raf work in the same place while Kemi and Dupe work beside each other and the wives workplaces is two minutes away from their house. I guess at this point, y'all would say they were made for each other ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Kemi and Dupe began to cook the sane food, wear the same cloth and do almost the thing. If you didn't know their background, you'd think they're twins or they got married to one husband. A lot of people were jealous of them but we all knew that they wanted to see where these two people's friendship will end. That's life for us though ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Despite all of the negative waves, their friendship continued. You know there's no how you'd be friends with someone and you two wouldn't have one issues or the other. If they're having any quarrel, they settle it amicably.

But one thing keeps poisoning the relationship between these two families. Kemi tends to be a talkative. Whenever a fight happens, she'd be the one to go tell outsiders and she'd even add some lies to it which I feel doesn't make sense. At first, Dupe didn't know but when Dupe got to realize, she retaliated. Dupe also talked bad about Kemi in the presence of Kemi's apprentices.

I think we should learn that two wrongs doesn't make a right. It will definitely affect the relationship.

So one day, Mut cane home and rejoiced that the people nominated him to be the president of their co-operative group. I think we all should know that it's just a co-operative group and nothing much but Kemi took it like her husband wants to become the president of the office๐Ÿ˜. She didn't let the cat outta the bag. Then, the people voted her husband in and now, the deed has been done.

Kemi began to tell everyone that Raf is an apprentice to Mut. What?? How would Raf feel if he hears this? This is not nice. So, some of the people Kemi told that, came to Raf's wife to tell her. Dupe felt so bad and decided to tell her husband what Kemi told outsiders. Dupe tabled the matter to her husband when he got back from work and the gentleman said nothing.

The next day, Dupe and Kemi saw each other. What do you think will happen???? Let's hold till I write the second part๐Ÿ˜

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2 years ago


Lol, the effect of negative words can be catastrophic. I hope their friendship can Outlast any form of drama they might pull off

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmmm But I'm sure they'll set eyes on each other again and this matter will come up

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Was a bit afraid and heart broken when I saw the tittle but the first 10 words changed my mood lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol They're all good

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2 years ago