So I’ve got a whole plan for the future I am trying to manifest. One portion of this journey involves owning my own businesses. So I’ve got some ideas. One of them is actually quite “do-able” right now. Still, I don’t want to compromise the position I’ve obtained thus far. So I am going to utilize some of these websites that involve crowd funding or helping start ups. So I have to write something for these websites. Thing is, I don’t want to allow any of my ideas to be stolen. So that makes it a challenge. I decided to call my fundraising efforts “Project Dream Fuel (PDF)”.

This was my first pitch idea. Planned for Facebook since it was easy to access. Any proofreading or feedback is welcomed.

Project Dream Fuel

I don’t like asking for anything from anyone. So that should serve as an indication of how urgent I feel this is. Otherwise I would just obtain it on my own. The only reason I am even attempting this is because waiting has already caused opportunities to be missed.

I have a few different things in the works. These other projects are all profitable. I don’t want to deduct anything from them. What I am trying to do is obtain a piece of equipment in order to get this one started. To clarify, I am not requesting your typical charity. So don’t look at this as a handout. Look at it as an investment.

I will return double of any donations received once things are operational. I will also be setting up my own fund for my sister’s two little boys. I felt I should mention that in case anyone needs a feel good reason for donating. I have also instituted a contingency for when their fund exceeds a specific amount, it will direct a percentage of the proceeds to a variety of other charitable organizations.

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@BillYen posted 3 years ago
