
I don't wan't to explaine how it's working because I don't know, but the AI platform it's for sure much smarter and faster then people, so let's use AI to make money for you.

Be more smart and use the AI technology to earn money like passive income.

MOSDEX it's the platform and if you make account the AI will earn money for you like a passive income.

In this way the AI is working ... he buy in one exchange and then he sell in other exchange

automatic arbitrage between exchanges

The announced earnings for staking are:

  • for USDT - 14days =18,78 % / 30 days = 35,23 % / 90 days = 46,01%

  • for BTC - 14days =19,71 % / 30 days = 35,04 % / 90 days = 45,25%


You are not smarter than artificial intelligence. Let AI make money for you by arbitrating between exchanges.

Make one account in MOSDEX

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@Bgdn posted 1 year ago
