Why does the food in the ad look so much better than the one on the plate?

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Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago

There are probably few people in Serbia who watch television regularly, and after at least some watched commercials, they did not go to the store and buy that product. Especially when it comes to food. Hamburgers and other fast foods, ice cream topped with tempting chocolate, crunchy biscuits, fizzy drink bubbles whispering "drink me", a smoking lunch…

Marketing experts and those who create commercials know very well about the "tricks" with which to simply you can't resist trying that product at least once.

I don't even know how many times I watched some commercials, bought that product, and of course I was quite disappointed, and angry at myself that I still succumbed to that marketing trick ...

After watching these videos, I definitely decided not to watch any more commercials. I will save time and money, and of course my health ...

Here, look and judge for yourself.

$ 0.44
$ 0.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago


Because they have all the time in the world to make it look perfect, and its to their advantage to do so. The more delicious it looks, the more you will want to eat it. But when you go to the restaurant it is all about speed.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Samo dokaz da mogu i maglu da nam prodaju ako se zainate. Napravili bi exgtra super reklamu i uvaljali bi nam je kao nista... Marketing i njegovi trikovi su cudo

$ 0.00
3 years ago

al je zanimljivo to gledat, bas pala unutra

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's all in the packaging. Ads are focused on promoting their brand so they show you what they want you to see to make you purchase the product

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nas narod je poznat po tome da kupuje ono sto mu se servira.nema takvog mentaliteta potrosaca kao u razvijenim zemljama gde udruzenja rade svoj posao i gde je cenzura reklame obavezna. kad je amerikanac moga da proda preko neta sneg pakovan u kilograme u Kaliforniji nakon snezenja tamo, sve moze da se proda reklamom.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

edited from original one,to make it look good in the market,strategy advert of product to convince peolple..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Gledala sam klip bas duzi sa nekim forama za te reklame, ono kao jedu suvu ono sve fina makarona sargarepa super a u stvari samo je stavljeno povrce i malo zagrejano koliko da izbija para. il pile naprave sa uljem smesu pa premazu nepeceno pile i ono izgleda ko res peceno.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mama moja je bila aranžer i dekorater izloga u robnim kućama, nagledao sam se ovih fora i fazona. Ali to je bilo prije trideset godina, mogu da zamislim čega se sve danas može vidjeti.

$ 0.00
3 years ago