A hashtag on the Internet and social networks is a phrase, abbreviation, word or more connected words that are used exclusively with the use of the character "#". # at the beginning of the writing that “activates” it, without the use of spaces and special characters. It cannot be just a numeric string, but is composed only of letters, or a combination of letters and numbers.
Their purpose, of course, was to make it easier for users to search for content for certain search criteria by pre-defined tags.
Follow these rules when creating a hashtag:
keep it short and not exceed 20 characters
don’t use more than two or three hashtags in a tweet
when a hashtag consisting of several words is used, they should be merged and each new word should be capitalized for easier reading (eg #Award Oscars)
use the English alphabet because the hashtag does not tolerate diacritical marks
do not use commas, question marks, exclamation marks, periods.
Vrlo je bitno odrediti dobre hashtagove za svoje objave kao i menjati ih, na taj nacin se povecava vidljivost objava