Sect as a global problem.

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Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago

In our country (Serbia), there are even tens of thousands of sectarians, who are members of sects that have totalitarian and destructive goals. Many of them are hiding under the guise of various organizations.

The most dangerous sects in Serbia are those that have totalitarian and destructive goals and actions in their teachings and practices, and they are mostly sect organizations that propagate that their members completely and drastically quickly change their current way of life and work.

These are also sectarian organizations that require drastic and long-lasting fasting, to give up modern medicine and eventually accept an alternative, but which is preferred by their organization, explains the Serbian sectologist.

"Dangerous sects are also those that forbid you to receive a blood transfusion in any form, even at the cost of losing your life! Those organizations that lead you to give up your family and your friends, and only have them as friends and carefully you listen to them. Those who openly offer you techniques and methods of other religions, and at the same time are absolutely neither professional nor authorized to do such a thing "

The victims of the sect are of all ages, levels of education and wealth. Each sect has its target groups. The younger the adept, the more successful or more successful the victim, and nothing more. A sect can benefit everyone, and they know very well how to use it.

"It happened that some people and even whole families, seeking help and a solution, entered from sect to sect and passed as in the most difficult wars. They lost their health, property and some their lives. It was as if they were killed in the African savannah: first attacked by predators, they kill and tear up the biggest pieces of meat. Then, there are carnivores that devour almost to the bone. After them come vultures that leave only the hardest bones. And in the end, insects and the hot sun, no trace remains! "

"It happened that the guru and the victim were never seen or met face to face, and in just a few months the victim committed suicide!"

Sects can be very dangerous and that is why it is necessary to be informed and educated, otherwise everything could cost you dearly - and explode right in your face.

In their doctrines, they consider suicide to be the ultimate and final sublime goal by which the purification and immortality of the spirit, liberation from earthly sins and salvation from the apocalypse are achieved. All these suicides are characterized by the absence of a conscious decision. In these suicides, a decision is made outside the individual and he is aggressively ordered to commit suicide. This happens in a state of qualitatively altered consciousness, psychotic disintegration, fear of punishment for sinning against the sect, etc. Very often these murders are preceded by monstrous murders of innocent victims.

The psychological state of an individual as well as the health condition greatly influences whether a person is suitable for recruitment into a sect. The question is: Why would anyone even want to become a member of a sect? The reasons are numerous ...

Nowadays, people, especially the younger part of the population, are very confused. Some of the factors that influence this are: different content from the media is placed on them, there is a crisis of the family, a crisis of identity, moral and social values ​​are disturbed, they are looking for answers to questions, they are complex…

Family crisis - Youth role models, social and moral values ​​have changed significantly in a short time, so it is harder for parents today to raise and control their children. In addition, there have been changes in the family itself where there is a change of roles and as a priority, in most cases, career and material gain are set. The stability of the family is lost and people lose the feeling of security, warmth, love, belonging, support, calm… .. When a person who comes from such an environment, the sect offers refuge and a solution to all problems, that person tends to accept all great thinking. She also accepts things that would otherwise seem unusual or even unimaginable to her, but that comes from "my friends" and "those who really care about me" - are the words of one former member of the sect.

Searching for identity and belonging - With a collapsed family, there are also problems in a society where people humiliate and oppress each other in order to "elevate" themselves.

People, as social beings, need to belong somewhere, to have a role in society and for someone to appreciate them for that. Because of that, complexes of "lower value" appear and people are emotionally unstable, and the sect "provides them with comfort, tolerance, equality, love and understanding". In return, they ONLY need to be sincerely committed to the faith and work of the sect.

Looking for answers - Nowadays we are overwhelmed with information both from the media (which have the greatest influence, newspapers, internet, television…) and from our personal environment. This is all very confusing for people to trust and what is really true? Sects are able to turn this situation to their advantage and offer short and seemingly clear answers that of course coincide with the teachings of the sect. In that way, they can easily manipulate a person, draw them deeper into their activities and gain trust.

The need to be something special - Sect leaders constantly tell their followers that they are chosen and special and that if they continue to serve the sect diligently, they will progress and find the way to true salvation.

Physical deformity, deficiency or disease - In their rituals, sects also practice healing rituals, which are false and have no effect, but the person is a victim of skilled manipulators.

Religious affiliation - If a person was a member of a religion, he or she is more likely to be in a sect that has separated from that religion. Again, people who are atheists think that they are protected and that they cannot become victims of a sect, but it is often easier to attract them than people who belong to a religion.

Material gain - People who have financial problems can become victims of the sect, by having the sect help them, and then commit to fidelity and obedience in return. On the other hand, sects under the guise of "clubs of the rich" and "services" exploit wealthy people.

In conclusion, we can say that potential victims of sects have the following characteristics: they are emotionally unstable, depressed, have a sense of inferiority, lack of love and attention, are disappointed in life, family, state, church, friends, partners, are in economic crisis, gullible , greedy, proud, lonely, not established in faith (religion) (.

Physical characteristics, gender, racial and ethnic affiliation, class affiliation, are not crucial whether or not a person will be a victim of a sect. The most important thing is to know that all the consolation that sects provide is actually an illusion in the mind of the victim and that the basic means of recruitment is manipulation.


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$ 2.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago


So true being victimized in this case I think she really needs help

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3 years ago

Like comment and subscribe done,,, please Beck

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3 years ago

Please support me And I will back You

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3 years ago

Секта је издвојена или затворена група људи која чврсто следи своја начела. Најчешће се секта формира насупрот основној групи из које је потекла, развијајући учење, које је по уверењу чланова секте, исправније у односу на учење основне групе. За све чланове секте карактеристично је да имају чврсту организацију и јединствене обавезне ритуале. У једном броју монотеистичких религија свако одступање од прокламованих догми, проглашава се сектом.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Znam da sektasa ima jako puno u Srbiji. Imao sam davno jednog drugara, ciji su mama i sestra bile u 'subotarima'. Nisam siguran da li su zive, jer ih odavno nema u mom gradu, a taj drug nije zeleo da ulazi u tu sektu iako su ga one vukle za rukav, maltene. Decko je u jednom trenutku izasao iz kuce, otisao u vlaski kraj i udao se.. jer nije mogao vise da trpi to nasilje nad njim od njih dve. Ne znam sta reci, ali mnogim ljudima je mozak ispran.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

U našoj zemlji ima čak više desetina hiljada sektaša, koji su članovi sekti koje imaju totalitarne i destruktivne ciljeve. Mnoge od njih kriju se pod maskom raznih organizacija.Najopasnije sekte u Srbiji, kako kaže, su one koje u svojim učenjima i praksi imaju totalitarne i destruktivne ciljeve i radnje, a to su uglavnom sektne organizacije koje propagiraju da njihovi članovi iz korena u potpunosti i drastično brzo preomene svoj dosadašnji način života i rada.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

O sektama ne znam puno toga. Svesna sam da postoje i da neke od njih mogu da budu izuzetno destruktivne i opasne po one koji im pristupaju.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

odlican clanak samo ne kaze se secta nego sect cisto da ispravis to, inace manje vise uvek prisutne kroz celokupnu istoriju, neke odu kao i da nisu postojale a neke se rasire globalno kao sto se hriscanstvo rasirilo

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3 years ago