Her Majesty the Banana.

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Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago

You probably didn't know, banana peel is edible and is a great source of health. As a rule, when we peel it and eat the meat part, we lightly throw away the crust. However, people in some countries, e.g. in India they eat it, and use its nutritional benefits for centuries.

The fruit is fresh and sweet, and the rind is hard and bitter, and must be thermally processed before consumption. You can cook it for at least 10 minutes, bake it or fry it. The heat softens the fibers in the otherwise stiff shell and turns it into an edible delicacy.

The more mature the fruit, the thinner and softer its bark becomes. This process stimulates the ethylene that the fruit releases as it ripens, which makes it softer and slimier. Their protective coating changes color from green to yellow to dark brown.

Banana medicinal properties and composition

The soft yellow fruits are incredibly healthy and tasty, but the banana peel does not lag behind in importance. If you eat the skin together with the meat, you will even increase its benefits. It contains several essential nutrients with a beneficial effect on digestion, heart health and weight reduction. It contains a significant amount of fiber and several antioxidants.

One medium-sized banana contains vitamins A, B6, C and E, minerals potassium, magnesium and copper. In addition, it contains 24 grams of carbohydrates. It also contains 3.1 g of fiber and the same amount of protein, as well as 0.4 grams of fat. Yellow fruit has about 105 calories, and water and carbohydrates predominate in its composition. Immature (green) contain large amounts of starch, which in the process of maturation is converted into sugar - glucose, fructose and sucrose.

It contains nutrients that keep diabetes under control

Bananas contain pectin, and while they are still green, starch, which acts as an easily degradable fiber and helps the digestive tract. Both of these substances are also contained in banana peel, and their main role is to equalize the blood sugar level after a meal. They reduce appetite because they create a feeling of satiety. They have a low glycemic index, ie they do not encourage the growth of sugar levels in healthy people. However, this does not apply to diabetics, banana peel is strictly forbidden in their diet.

Heart guard and an excellent source of antioxidants

Ripe bananas are essential for heart health because they have incredible amounts and reserves of potassium and magnesium. They are especially praised for controlling blood pressure. Ripe, and even better overripe dark brown banana peel should take a significant place in the diet. It contains the mentioned minerals in abundance.

A potassium-rich diet can help lower blood pressure. According to research, people who consume a lot of this element are as much as 27 percent less likely to get cardiovascular disease.

Golden fruits and their protective shell are a powerful source of dopamine and catechins, antioxidants that protect the heart. They prevent the development of degenerative disorders of the respiratory system and free radicals.

Banana peel for the health of the digestive system

By introducing such a healthy fruit, and thus a ripe full-fiber banana peel, into the regular diet, it contributes to cancer prevention. The probability of developing colon cancer is significantly reduced, which is confirmed by recent studies.

Bananas have this protective function thanks to the high concentration of dietary fiber (3g). Here we primarily mean pectin and starch, as the main energy booster for healthy intestinal bacteria.

In Eastern traditional medicine, banana peel has been used for centuries to treat hemorrhoids. It is considered to give the best results in the mentioned problems.

Helps to lose weight

The ripe, speckled with brown dots of banana peel is full of plant-based dietary fiber, which stimulates the work and motility of the intestines. Thus, it contributes to more frequent urination and better digestion. In addition, it is quite nutritious and contains just over 100 calories, and quickly creates a feeling of satiety.

Significant amounts of starch in unripe greenish bananas will contribute to the feeling of a full stomach and longer satiety. This will certainly significantly reduce appetites and contribute to faster weight loss.

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$ 0.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago


Volim da jedem bananem zna da su vrlo zdrave i hranljive. Lepo je i kada se napravi banana bread. Naravno, cerke su mi pokazale kako se pravi.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

KO jos ne voli banane voim i poslastice torte i kolace, sladoled, a najvise mesavina banane i ananasa u egzotik torti,

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ja najvise volim jesti banane od bilonkog voca. Ono mi je broj 1. Kada sam posetio prekookeanske zemlje poput Dominikanske Republike, Karibskih Ostrva,... imao sam cast da prvi put u svom zivotu probam pecene i przene banane! Prvo mi je bilo van pameti da tako nesto neko moze i da spremi, a onda.. onda sam s opustio i slasno pojeo porciju. Naravno, banana ima u izobilju i prave banane nikako nisu dugacke niti zute vec, kratke i zelene. Dok stignu do nas one pozute, dobiju na gramazi i duzini jer ih prilikom transporta spricaju vodom i ko zna cime kako bi ih odrzali u zivotu. Eto.. Hvala na postu Betty. ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

za boju si u pravu, ali za dobijanje na duzini bas i ne, postoji mnogo vrsta banana i ja sam licno imao prilika da ih probam desetak, boja banane spremne za konzumaciju je mahom zuta, i to je tacno da se beru dok su zelene i da dozrevaju tokom transporta, ali to je u drugu ruku zato sto su u stvari branjem prestale da budu zive i doslo je do gubitka hlorofila iz kore, kao kod nas kad pozuti lisce, inace jos jedan fun fact, banane kao biljna vrsta su mahom sterilne i vrlo je velika bitka da se ocuvaju plantaze. Sigurno ces primetiti razliku u ukusu izmedju krem bananice i ove banane koju jedemo, to je zbog toga sto kada su krem bananice izmisljene, na nase pijace je dolazila banana tog ukusa koja je u medjuvremnu izumrla a ova danasnja je uskocila umesto nje, kada bi se nekim cudom vratio u proslost zatekao bi sasvim drugacije banane na jelovniku, trenutno se ocekuje da ce i ova vrsta izumrteti i vrlo brzo mozemo doci u situaciju da pocnemo da jedemo banane koje ce imati malo drugaciji ukus inace jos jedan fun fact, postoje banane koje imaju bodlje na svojoj kori i te sam imao prilikeprobati, takodje sto si pomenuo przenje i pecenje, neke nije moguce konzumirati bez predhodne termicke obrade

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3 years ago

najbolji izvor vitamina K za nas organizam, a uz to je naravno izuzetno hranljivo voce, narcito je preporucljivo u ishrani dece i sportista

$ 0.00
3 years ago