Banana peel for face.

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Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago

The rich composition of the banana puts it at the very top of foods suitable for the care of dry and damaged, flaky skin. Vitamins, especially B and E, are essential for a long-lasting Maldali look, good tone and elasticity.

Healthy and beautiful skin is one in which women feel good. Banana peel for dry skin is great because it hydrates and soothes it, especially with irritations and unpleasant itching. In addition, the natural method of care is suitable for the treatment of serious diseases, eczema and even psoriasis.

Banana peel is also effective for insect bites, as well as itching caused by poison ivy. Rub the skin with it and expect a quick recovery.

Skin flaking is especially pronounced in the winter, so more frequent hydration is recommended. Massaging the skin with a darkened banana peel is a very good choice.

How to clean the face with banana peel

Acne and blackheads are a real insomnia and headache for many teenagers, but also those a little older. If you have already tried peels, creams and visited all beauticians, and without visible results, then you are in the right place.

A ripe banana peel for acne is a real natural gift and a blessing for people with this problem. The method of use is very simple and does not require much time.

Tip for preparation and use:

Use a knife to cut off a thicker layer of bark and rub the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead with the inner soft part. Rub for a long time, until the crust darkens, because that way your skin will absorb minerals and vitamins.

Apply a good layer and wait at least half an hour before rinsing your face with lukewarm water. Repeat the process 3 times a day for a couple of days and the results will be visible very quickly.

With the healing effect of banana peel for the face, in addition to acne, it will remove excess fat, heal persistent pimples and even out the complexion.

Popular banana face mask recipe.

Prepare the following recipe against pimples:

Scrape the inside of the banana peel with a spoon and place the resulting mass in a glass bowl. Add a little turmeric and baking soda. Stir and apply on freshly washed face. Leave for about 10 minutes and rinse well.

Banana peel reduces wrinkles.

In addition to being used for cleansing the face, banana peel is great for alleviating minor imperfections. These are usually minor wrinkles and lines on the face that appear on mature skin. She proved to be very successful in these cases. By rubbing it, nutrients penetrate deep into the skin, nourish and tighten it.

You have to be patient to achieve the desired effect. It is crucial to use an overripe dark crust with a rich composition, and repeat the procedure several times.

You can also treat dark spots on rough and damaged skin in this natural way. Banana significantly hydrates the skin and maintains its elasticity, and also represents a kind of UV protection.

Banana mask to fight wrinkles

Scrape the soft inside of the banana peel and mix a little thick yogurt and orange juice with it. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer over the entire face, except for the area under the eyes and eyelids. After half an hour, rinse with warm water.

If you want a lighter complexion, banana peel will help:

You can also mash half of the fruit with the peel. In this case, use a blender. Add a little honey and lemon juice. Stir to make the mixture smooth and thick. Apply to cleansed skin and massage gently. Let it work for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.

Banana teeth whitening brings results.

You can often read texts on the Internet about natural teeth whitening with banana peel. Bloggers and forumers swear by the effectiveness of this method. They believe that the whitening effect is achieved by rubbing, which absorbs nutrients, magnesium, potassium and magnesium, in the teeth.

This is the least invasive method, because banana peel does not damage tooth enamel, unlike chemical treatments.

There are, of course, unfaithful Tom, so it's best to try it yourself.

The procedure is as follows:

Peel a banana that you have previously washed. Take a small piece of bark and rub your teeth thoroughly with the inside. You will feel a slight creamy paste covering your enamel. The paste must remain for at least ten minutes.

Try to keep your mouth open at this time. So that your lips do not touch your gums so as not to peel off the paste. When ten minutes have passed. brush your teeth with a brush and plain water.

Repeat this procedure once a day. Banana peel for teeth is a real hit on the internet. The authors of this method claim that you will have a brighter smile in two weeks.

Removal of warts from the skin and corns

Warts are a type of viral disease that is very difficult to treat. They are persistent and inconspicuous, and they greatly affect our self-confidence. Today, there are numerous preparations on the market for their removal, the price of which is not small. On the other hand, some people turn to magical rituals, and as it turned out, nothing is effective or reliable.

Banana peel for nipples works by cutting it into a rectangle measuring 2 × 5 cm. Do this if, for example, it is on your finger. Wrap it around your fingers and fix it with duct tape under which you will put a piece of clean handkerchief or gauze.

$ 0.84
$ 0.84 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago


Banana je ekstra ko maska za lice i za kosu, za lice postoji recept za ciscenje mitisera gde se izgnjeci banana, doda malo meda i projno prasno, ekstra cisti lici i izumrele celije sa lica.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

verujte mi na rec, vodena smirgla tip 400 ili 360 i nema problema za piling samo se lepo navlazi i super je

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Zbog pandemije korona virusa brzo je napustila kancelariju pa nije imala vremena da pokupi sve stvari među kojima je bila i jedna banana.Kada se Mari Luiz Brenan posle devet nedelja vratila na posao, imala je šta da vidi. Otvorila je fioku i pronašla voće koje se poprilično promenilo blago rečeno.Ovo je vizuelna prezentacija kako se svi mi sada osećamo"aludirajući na psihičko stanje ljudi izazvano svetskom globalnom krizom.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Njam njam.. bananameeeen. 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Znam jedan trik, ko ima rapave pete ili laktove, kora od banane rješava stvar.

$ 0.00
3 years ago