Real Men Don't Beat Women (See Why)

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Written by
4 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Have you ever witnessed a scene where a woman gets beaten up by a man? It sucks and irritates me to know that some men still practice such actions.

Well! Whatsoever reason it may be it's wrong to lay your hands on a woman even when she's gotten you upset.

Why Real Men Shouldn't Beat Women

Women are very emotional set of beings, and sometimes may act so annoying. It takes a Real man to be able to control themselves once they are being triggered to anger.

You wouldn't want your woman to be sad if you are a real Man

You wouldn't want to see scars on your woman's face.

Be A Real Man, Kick against harassing a woman.

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Avatar for Bestie
Written by
4 years ago


You started a good article with a good topic, but you didn't tell us why you think real men should not lay their hands on their women. Your few views was only about the women. You need to elaborate on the topic by giving us cogent and rational reasons why men should not beat their wives.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are free to contribute. I'll update the article as soon as you do and give credits to you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

First thing is to establish who is a real man from the context of this article, and if I may define it, A real man is one who knows the essence of life and the value of humanity, he is a man who knows the purpose of a woman and their position in life. You can also consider he as a man who knows the value and strength of a woman. Given the definition of a real man can help discover reasons why a real man won't lay his hands on a woman.

  1. Real men knows the strength of a woman is only in her mouth, so there is no need trying to win an argument with her because that may lead to much problem. Instead a real man walk away in time like this.
  2. Real men knows the position of the woman in their lives. A woman is the glory of a man, so hunting her is hunting your glory as a man.
  3. A real man knows the body of his woman is his own, so he wouldn't hunt her cause doing so is hunting his own body.
  4. Real men knows that a woman or a wife is a blessing of God to them. So to be in the favor of God they wouldn't hunt their wives. You can go on and on to see what real men knows about a woman that wouldn't make them go mad with their women.

It's not easy though for a man to keep bearing the nonsense from a woman, but those who understands the weakness and strength of a woman would always do the right thing. Thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ys you are absolutely r8 sir

$ 0.00
4 years ago

How is he absolutely right? Without giving any reason why real men should not beat women.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I just want to say that real men can never beat a woman. so its absolutely r8 that Be A Real Man, Kick against harassing a woman.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The first question is who is a real man? Then what are the reasons that a real man shouldn't beat a woman. Without knowing the reasons it's not right to conclude, except in a matter you aren't too knowledgeable about.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's not just because women are very emotional and very sensitive be the reason not to hurt them physically. Men should not hurt women because everyone needs to be RESPECTED. It's not only for women, but for all

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Right Sir, Women are not a punching bag, lol. Sometimes we are sentimental, naughty, nagger and emotional but that is not a reason to beat us. . We still need respect!

$ 0.00
4 years ago