Quitting smoking

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3 years ago

How to learn to ride a bike will rarely quit smoking the first time you try. Therefore, if you are determined to quit smoking, you must be willing to make several attempts until you are successful. Do not consider relapse as defeat. Think of it as a learning experience, a minor setback in a successful program. Here are some suggestions that have worked for other people. They can work well for you too.

Prepare your mind to quit smoking

■ First of all, you need to convince yourself that it is worth stopping. State the reasons why you want to quit, including the benefits. Checking this list after you finish will build your resolve. The main reason to quit smoking is to want to please God. The Bible says we should love God with all of our mind, heart, soul, and strength. We cannot do this if we are addicted to tobacco (Mark 12:30).

■ Review your smoking habits to find out when and why you smoke. It can be helpful to write down when and where you smoke each cigarette on a normal day. This will help you predict situations when you may smoke after you quit.

Schedule an appointment to quit smoking

■ Pick a date when you want to quit smoking and mark it on your calendar. It is best to choose a day when you will not be exposed to excessive external stress. When that day comes, stop smoking completely, suddenly, and completely.

■ Remove ashtrays, matches, and lighters before the meeting. Clean all of your clothes with the smell of tobacco smoke.

■ Rely on the support of coworkers, friends, and family members to encourage you in your smoking cessation efforts. Don't be afraid to ask others not to smoke around you.

■ Plan activities for your day to quit smoking. You can go to a place where smoking is prohibited such as B. in a museum or a theater. You can also exercise: swim or take a bike ride or a long walk.

Dealing with retirement

If you smoke heavily, you are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms that appear hours after you smoke your last cigarette. This can include irritability, impatience, hostility, anxiety, depression, insomnia, restlessness, increased appetite, and smoking cravings. Your doctor may prescribe medication to help relieve these symptoms. Additionally, there are things you can do to win the fight.

■ Eat low-calorie foods and drink plenty of water during the first difficult weeks. Some have found it useful to cut raw vegetables like carrots or celery. Exercise helps balance weight gain and calm nervous nerves.

■ Avoid places and situations where you are tempted to smoke.

■ Combat bad thoughts that can lead to smoking. Here are some common weaning thoughts: "I will smoke alone today to get through this difficult time." "Smoking is my only addiction!" "Tobacco can't be that bad; some heavy smokers live to be 90 years old." "I have to die of something." "Life is no fun without tobacco."

■ If you want to give up, wait. With just ten minutes of waiting, the acute desire can pass. Sometimes the thought of quitting can seem overwhelming. When you feel like this, focus on quitting smoking just for today.

■ If you want to serve God, pray for help. Our loving Creator can provide "timely assistance" to those who strive to align their lives with His will. (Hebrews 4:16) But don't expect a miracle. You must act in accordance with your prayers.

Stay an ex-smoker

■ The first three months are the most difficult, but even after that you should avoid smoking and any situations where you may smoke as much as possible.

■ Don't be fooled into the fact that you can smoke occasionally, even after you've smoked for a year or more.

■ Resist the temptation to “smoke a cigarette”. Only one can easily lead the other, and soon you will undo all the hard work you put into quitting. However, if you stall and smoke one cigarette, there is no need to smoke another. If you have a relapse, quit smoking.

Millions of smokers have successfully quit smoking. With determination and perseverance, you can too!

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Avatar for Besa
Written by
3 years ago


Smoking have many bad outcomes I do agree it’s best to quit or not start smoking at all

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3 years ago