How can married people stay happily even when they have some differences?

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3 years ago

Imagine you like sports; Your spouse prefers to read books. You are very efficient; Your spouse is quite disorganized. You like to go out; Your spouse prefers some privacy.

You might begin to ask yourself,"are we just not compatible!" Why didn't we realize when we first met?

You've probably noticed it, at least in part.This article will help you with that. But first, consider some facts about the alleged incompatibility.


Some of the differences are serious. Many quotes determine compatibility. As a result, while serious differences are seen when dating, many couples differ from each other, rather than independently of a polarized marriage. But what about the less profound differences that are inevitable in every marriage?

No two people are exactly the same. Therefore, it is common for spouses to differ in one or more of the following areas:

Interests. for instance your spouse might not like outdoors events,but you might grown up to like such events.

Habits :your spouse may stay up late and still jump at 5 am, but you might need seven to eight hours of sleep or you will get cranky.

Features It can be reserved as long as your spouse is expressive. you might grew up not talking about your personal problems,but your wife came from a family where everything was discussed openly.

The differences can be helpful. Remember that your path may be good, but that doesn't mean its the only one.


Be supportive. :Your wife may not be interested in sports. But she can come to various games encourage to you. On the other hand,your wife might love art museums so the be you can do is go with her and spend as much time as she wants.

Broaden your vision. Your spouse's point of view is not necessarily wrong just because it is different from yours.For instance you might always thought that a straight line was the shortest route from point A to point B and that there was no other alternative.But being married can help you to understand that there are many ways to get from A to B, and that each method is effective in its own way.

Be realistic. To be compatible doesn't mean to be identical. Therefore, do not conclude that your marriage was a mistake just because some differences became apparent. Continue to tolerate one another even when someone has reason to complain.

Try the following: Write down what you like, love, and consider compatible with your spouse. So write down the things you think are incompatible. You may find that their differences are less serious than you think. The list also shows where you can be more tolerant or support your spouse. it makes me happy to see you happy.

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3 years ago


Differences are bound to happen. But what actually matters is how you mange the situation. I ado feel one of the spouse need to play the fool for things to go well. Maturity, patience and a large heart is needed

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3 years ago


Ask your mate how you can be a better husband or wife. Listen carefully, and do what you can to improve

Be patient. It will take time for both of you to learn how to make each other happy

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3 years ago

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: The husband is the head of the family.—Ephesians 5:23.

If you are a husband, Jehovah expects you to care for your wife tenderly. (1 Peter 3:7) He made her as a complement of you, and he wants you to treat her with dignity and love. (Genesis 2:18) You must love your wife so much that you are willing to put her interests ahead of your own.—Ephesians 5:25-29.

If you are a wife, Jehovah expects you to respect your husband deeply and to help him fulfill his role. (1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:33) Support his decisions and wholeheartedly cooperate with him. (Colossians 3:18) When you do, you will be beautiful in the eyes of your husband and of Jehovah.—1 Peter 3:1-6.

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3 years ago

Married couples can stay together if they love each other. God teaches us how to love. He and his Son, Jesus, are perfect examples of self-sacrificing love.—Read 1 John 4:7, 8, 19.

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3 years ago

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