Food, health and nutrition: complement each other

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3 years ago
Topics: Health
  • Food, health and nutrition these three words are inextricably linked. 

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Nutritious and balanced food is needed every day for good health and healthy mind. In order to meet the nutritional needs of the body, it is necessary for a person to choose a balanced diet, access to food and maintain nutritional value. In addition, nutrition depends a lot on the  economic situation, food production, food distribution system, eating habits, etc.

A balanced diet is a moderate intake of certain nutrients such as sugars, carbs, vitamins, minerals and water. Sugars provide energy and efficiency to the body. Rice, wheat, barley, potatoes, sweet potatoes, kachu, sugar, honey, molasses, etc. are rich in sugars. Each gram of sugar provides 4 kcal of energy. Protein is a food that replenishes body building and digestion. Fish, meat, milk, eggs, various pulses, barbati, beans, peas etc. help in body building. Each gram of protein provides 4 kcal of energy. Fat maintains the efficiency of the body and keeps the skin beautiful and smooth. Soybean oil, mustard oil, sesame oil, ghee, butter, fatty fish, meat, egg liver etc.Fatty foods. 9 kcal of energy is available from every gram of fat. Water protects the body from dehydration and maintains body balance. You need to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. In addition, various fruit juices, water national food needs to be taken. Fiber helps in weight control, diabetes control and intestinal health by eliminating constipation. Dietary fiber is found in plant foods. Such as saliva flour, barley, maize, barley husk, bean, bean sprouts, pulses and legumes, peeled fruits such as blackberries, grapes, guavas, apples, pears and all kinds of vegetables.

Mineral salts such as phosphorus, iron, iodine, zinc which form the body, replenish decay, nourish, physiological functions of the body. Iodine prevents goiter. Iron eliminates anemia and strengthens the structure of the hands and teeth. Zinc helps in mental growth and bone growth. Fish, meat, milk, eggs, green and colorful vegetables, ripe tamarind, marine fish, iodized salt, etc. are rich in mineral salts. Vitamin A, D, E, K, Vitamin B Complex, C-All kinds of green and colorful vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, milk, liver, small fish, lemon tea, etc. Food resistant food. Vitamin 'A' prevents night blindness. Vitamin D prevents rickets. Vitamin B complex prevents various skin diseases. Vitamin C prevents scurvy.
Malnourished children, mothers and the elderly bring economic and psychological disaster to the family. Stomach ailments, measles, pneumonia, etc. are the leading causes of death in childrenNotable. Lack of physical and mental growth in malnourished children leads to self-centeredness, fatigue, impotence and inability to develop intelligence. As a result, these boys and girls develop into lazy and indifferent, dependent citizens. Today's children are tomorrow's citizens. Breast milk is sufficient for the baby up to 6 months of age and from 6 months to 2 years, besides breast milk, more nutritious supplementary food should be given according to financial means. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that food is served in a clean and germ-free environment. Apart from that, proper cooking method, eating at the right time and provision of pure water all affect health and nutrition. It is possible to improve the health of severely malnourished children in a very short time by eating only khichuri cooked with pulses, potatoes and green oil. Along with the nutrition of the child, the nutrition of the growing and adolescent boys and girls should also be given importance. Physical, Mental, social পরিবর্তন change in all areas is final. So the nutritional needs also depend on the changes of this time. Malnutrition is more common in girls at this age. Adolescents need to meet their protein and calorie needs to maintain good health. Eating moderate amounts of nutritious food, clean water, regular physical activity, rest, sportsEtc. should also be looked at.

The mother's nutrition satisfies the baby. That is, only a healthy mother can give birth to a healthy child. The child of a malnourished mother weighs less at birth and grows sick, habagoba, sick. Later he suffered from various diseases. Maternal mothers also have various complications. During pregnancy and lactation, mothers need more food than usual. During this time you need to eat foods rich in folic acid, iodine, calcium and iron, zinc. In many cases, due to lack of nutrition, children are born with nutritional deficiencies and malnutrition. The mother should eat fish, meat, milk, eggs, various colorful vegetables, fruits, nuts, water and aquatic food as per her need. Apart from that, you have to be worry-free and happy at this time. Many times superstitions and misconceptions cause mother malnutrition.
On the other hand, even in old age, there are nutritional needs for health. Demand decreases with age. Decreased heart function, decreased digestive function, dental-bone problems and arthritis, decreased digestive function, anemia. At this age you should eat less white flour, rice, sugar flour etc. Foods rich in oil, fat, salt and sweet caffeine should be eaten less. At this time you have to eat more water and aquatic food. Aids in digestion, anti-constipation, arthritis and weight control foods should be eaten. Red flour, various fibrous vegetables, fruits, lean fish, meat, etc. should be eaten. Need to walk if necessary. Otherwise heart disease, diabetes, kidney problems, arthritis, eye diseases, etc.May occur. Egg yolks, ghee, butter, extra fatty fish, meat, sugary foods should be reduced from the age of forty. Calcium and iron deficiency is more common in old age. You can eat skim milk, milk products, cheese, paise etc. Ignorance and unawareness are also responsible for nutritional problems. Homemade food is much more nutritious than tin and packaged food on the market. The better the health and nutrition of the people of a country, the more developed that country is. A balanced and nutritious diet can ensure good health.

 Therefore, it can be said that the importance of nutrition in health care is essential for the development of the country.

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Avatar for Belal111
3 years ago
Topics: Health


Really nicely said, food, health and nutrition are inextricably linked. Inadequate nutrition impairs health. That is why we have to choose the foods that are good for our health, and there are so many of them!

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3 years ago