Crypto-collectibles: A Basic Overview 

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2 years ago


May 09,2022

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Investment & Finance 

The emergence of digital or "crypto-collectibles" has been the talk of the town in recent months. A crypto-collectible is a cryptographically unique, non-fungible digital asset, according to one definition from Decentraland. Unlike cryptocurrencies, where all tokens must be identical, each crypto-collectible token is unique and restricted in quantity. 

Crypto-collectibles are frequently shown as real-life objects like as pets or avatars. Each token has unique characteristics, and the total number of tokens that can be created is limited. 

What exactly does it mean when something is "digitally scarce"? 

Bitcoin was the first digital currency, which is why digital collectibles are even feasible.

because it was the first to prove that digital scarcity without trust is possible. 

The reason why digital scarcity is so astonishing is because digital assets (which are just made up of software code) tend to be abundant. While the cost of replicating things in the physical world is high, replicating things in the digital world is just a typing "copy paste" workout?-? Simply ask the record labels. 

Bitcoin's fixed supply (unchangeable and enforced by code) is resistant to alter, regardless the intentions of the enemy or company wishing to change it. There will always be 21 million bitcoins, which is a well-known statistic that we may take confidence in. 

Bitcoin is frequently referred to as "fungible" in addition to being "scarce." Fungibility is also known as: 

the location of the thing or perhaps a commodity with essentially interchangeable units 

Fungibility and scarcity are two of the five qualities of currencies that are commonly mentioned. Is gold fungible? Every ounce of pure gold is identical to every other ounce of pure gold. It's also scarce, considering that we need to pull a presumably fixed amount from the ground. 

Before Bitcoin, it was hard to understand that the digital asset was provably scarce in a trustless manner. Despite the fact that many online games and websites attempted to create an in-house currency, the availability and control over these digital currencies was limited.

Assets were subject to the whims of the company that issued them. That they have the ability to take away or change your ownership at any time. 

How can we make the transition from Bitcoin to crypto-collectibles? 

Fungibility applies to collectibles in the following way: brand new baseballs are fungible (essentially interchangeable) until the first is signed by Babe Ruth, after which it becomes a unique collectible. 

As currency, a fungible, scarce digital token that you can share has a lot of value. What if, inside the collectible context, we held many of the same features but instead tagged tokens with unique identifiers (metadata, for your nerds) to ensure that we could distinguish between two tokens of the same kind? Fungible tokens are blank canvases that are fungible.

Before Bitcoin, it had been impossible for all of us to learn that the digital asset was provably scarce inside a trust-less way. Even though many games online and sites tried to provide an in-house currency, the availability and control over these digital assets were in the whim from the company issuing them. That they had the opportunity to remove or modify your ownership at any time over time.

How can we move from Bitcoin to crypto-collectibles?

Here’s how fungibility pertains to collectibles: brand new baseballs are fungible (effectively interchangeable) until the first is signed by Babe Ruth, after which it will become a distinctive collectible.

A fungible, scarce digital token that you could share with others has high utility as currency. 

which first went live on November 28th, 2017. It captured everyone's imagination and vast sums of money, almost bringing the Ethereum blockchain along with it. 

Over $1 million has been spent on virtual cats on the Ethereum blockchain. 

CryptoKitties, which was just released a few days ago, is essentially a digital version of Pokemon cards, but according to the... 

CryptoKitties was one of the first non-currency use cases of blockchains to gain public adoption, while receiving criticism for its perceived inutility. Beautiful design, a simple-to-use interface, and adorable kitties helped it get there. 

What distinguishes CryptoKitties tokens from ether or bitcoin? 

Because they're adorable and unique, of course! CryptoKitties had several distinguishing characteristics that set them apart from other Ethereum-based coins.

•CryptoKitties could have a variety of characteristics (age, breed, colour, and so on) that make each token unique (and frequently valuable!). This rendered them non-fungible, meaning that no CryptoKitty token could be swapped for another. 

•As a result, CryptoKitties were indivisible. Because you can divide bitcoin or ether indefinitely, dividing your CryptoKitty token makes no sense. The poor cat! 

Following the debut, customers spent a significant amount of money for virtual kittens, with a few exceptionally remarkable kittens fetching thousands of dollars. The demand for these one-of-a-kind cats was so great that community-built auction boards and kitty genome classifiers were created. The kitty markets were so popular that they congested the Ethereum blockchain to the point where breeding costs had to be paid.

What does this mean for the development of future collectibles? 

What are our options now? 

Numerous non-fungible coins have begun development since the introduction of CryptoKitties. Decentraland is one of my personal favourite examples. 

Decentraland is a virtual reality platform that is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Content and applications can be created, experienced, and monetized by users. 

Decentraland, in contrast to existing virtual reality worlds, is building a truly decentralised virtual reality universe that belongs entirely to consumers. They're using the non-fungible extensively in this process, from inventing in-world games to selling a lot of virtual land. 

Why Is Decentraland Fighting Centralized Virtual Reality Worlds? 

While Decentraland is pursuing a very ambitious, utopian vision, it won't be long before real-world applications emerge.

It won't be long before non-fungible tokens are used to represent and trade real-world assets. Because the common style of these tokens enables for easy trading and shared liquidity, this virtual representation has already been created for art and hard assets: Several rare digital collectibles have found a market on RareBits. 

Despite the fact that many digitally native tokens are fads, this isn't that different from other (non-digital) collectibles. Pure collectibles' cultural worth will fluctuate, but with the future adoption of non-fungible tokens in traditional games and new types of assets represented as NFTs, I believe that the rise and development of "crypto-collectibles" will continue to be significant. 

Visit for more information on crypto collectibles.

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