Why Youtubers lie about Cuba

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3 years ago

Waking up and seeing that my inbox is full of people lying makes me wonder what's in these people's heads.

Cuba is going through a destabilizing period due to different economic blockades that the United States has carried out against the island.

In addition to different criminal groups that like power.

Their main income is tourism, directly affecting the economic health of the country.

In the same way, they have been able to solve themselves and create their own vaccine against covid, creating a paradigm of countries with little money but with initiative.

Why I criticize this.

Many people think that they live in bad conditions, that they abuse the Cuban people.

But it is the opposite in Cuba, health care if you don't have income they help you to survive.

They help you with food when you do not make ends meet, the government is committed to its people to provide them with the necessary goods.

This is the opposite of what happens in Chile or imperialist countries where if you do not have the necessary means for health they prefer to take your life or that your health slowly worsens.

Also with food no one helps you more than your people or known government only when it is in exceptional cases.

It bothers me that these people blatantly lie and many believe it.

It creates a bad image of the country and its people being the weaker side with no publicity resources.

Old content.


How to support the internet.


How the stability of the people represents politics.


Lack of constancy leads you to be anti-productive.

I value every comment and appreciate that you have made it this far.

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3 years ago


Cuba is not real communism. In real communism, there are no survivors.

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3 years ago

In the real communism if there are survivors as the liquids that are delivered in uniswap all share under the same purpose. What happens is that human beings are not machines and we do not make the best decisions.

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3 years ago